Terrorist attack in Reading

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lucky the activists hadn't yet succeeded in abolishing them.
Bloomin' coppers and their murderer-chasing & CPR skills. The sooner laws are enforced by Twitter polls instead (after a suitable period of reflective introspection about the nature of criminal behaviour and its causes), the better.
So I just went through and started deleting posts in this thread, and it quickly became obvious that I'd need to delete the entire thread if I was going to clean up the following quoting replies.

Can we play nice please? At least attempt to talk about the actual topic at hand instead of trying to just win against someone you perceive to be wrong on the Internet.

People have lost their lives tonight. Please, have some self awareness, some respect for not only your fellow forum members but also the mod team who have to deal with this sort of - perfectly described earlier - dumpster fire of a thread.

Our police force are one of the best in the World.

I don't think they've been getting a lot of hate in the UK to be honest....

Unless you mean when you slagged them off...:D


I mean I don't think they have their priorities right some of the time, or even a lot of the time, but I respect what they do in instances like this.
I'm getting sick of people coming from different countries and committing these types of acts. We really need to look at who we let in and vet them properly. People just enjoying their evening in the park have been killed, it is a disgrace. I live in a predominantly Muslim country and you don't have these kind of nutjobs doing stuff like this, we really need some changes.
Apart from the fact that it was originally brought up in the BLM thread. Again, why wasn't it brought up in the car cleaning thread? If the poster started a new thread, then that's one thing but for them to post a question about the attack in that thread is clearly an attempt to associate them together.

Are you still going? It was brought up in the thread long before I, the OP, got involved.
Ironic, saying I've actually accepted in this very thread that I've made a mistake and misrepresented someone and apologised for it. That clearly shows that I'm willing to listen to the other side, discuss it, listen to debate and accept it. Whereas you just post nonsense and add absolutely nothing to the conversation. I really don't know why I'm replying to you. You have added nothing to this conversation.

Where did you apologise for it?
What an utter mess this thread has become. I'm surprised the mods haven't dished out a few short breaks away from the forum. Half of the threads on here are "he said, she said" nonsense.

Why do some people feel the need to keep arguing over and over and over.

Funny how the first argument was how the OP said it was terrorist related (even though he didn't), and not two seconds later sky news started reporting it as that :D

I think the OP deserves an apology from a few people on here.
What an utter mess this thread has become. I'm surprised the mods haven't dished out a few short breaks away from the forum. Half of the threads on here are "he said, she said" nonsense.

Why do some people feel the need to keep arguing over and over and over.

Funny how the first argument was how the OP said it was terrorist related (even though he didn't), and not two seconds later sky news started reporting it as that :D

I think the OP deserves an apology from a few people on here.

The Police are saying they don't think it's terror related, having raided a nearby flat but are 'keeping an open mind'
No. The OP is trying to establish and promote a narrative.

This attack, as we know it now, is all about someone who hates clowns as it is to do with terrorism. The OP is trying to use this attack to discredit the BLM movement.
The OP is a racist.

It's so sad to read this forum lately.

I dont contribute a lot but I have read the forums everyday for over 10 years.

There seems to have been ups and downs between people over the years but nothing like this.

The sheer hatred to someone you have never met and the same rhetoric you spit out everyday. I am sorry to single you out as I feel it's a forum wide issue. This one caught my eye as the OP was not racist in the slightest yet you have called them out on being one. With all that's going on now it's people like you that are diluting the word. It means something to be racist, it's a terrible thing to be one and it can also get someone into a lot of trouble now days if they are accused of being one.

I know the mods have a difficult time on here but this is right on the first page. Something has to be done as this is an unprovoked attack. I like this forum for its rules as I feel rules so keep order and peace.

I also feel incredibly sad for this forum. I used to love coming and reading about urinal etiquette or how my beard could be full and lush with a dab of mustard. All we get on GD these days is the same two groups posting the same tired news articles.

Maybe we should start the paint the news in ms Paint again? That way the extra few minutes they spend painting will keep them from posting a load of crap on here.
It's so sad to read this forum lately.

I dont contribute a lot but I have read the forums everyday for over 10 years.

There seems to have been ups and downs between people over the years but nothing like this.

The sheer hatred to someone you have never met and the same rhetoric you spit out everyday. I am sorry to single you out as I feel it's a forum wide issue. This one caught my eye as the OP was not racist in the slightest yet you have called them out on being one. With all that's going on now it's people like you that are diluting the word. It means something to be racist, it's a terrible thing to be one and it can also get someone into a lot of trouble now days if they are accused of being one.

I know the mods have a difficult time on here but this is right on the first page. Something has to be done as this is an unprovoked attack. I like this forum for its rules as I feel rules so keep order and peace.

I also feel incredibly sad for this forum. I used to love coming and reading about urinal etiquette or how my beard could be full and lush with a dab of mustard. All we get on GD these days is the same two groups posting the same tired news articles.

Maybe we should start the paint the news in ms Paint again? That way the extra few minutes they spend painting will keep them from posting a load of crap on here.

Did you read the thread though? He later apologised to the OP as he had confused him with somebody else in the BLM thread who initially posted this story in there.
Did you read the thread though? He later apologised to the OP as he had confused him with somebody else in the BLM thread who initially posted this story in there.

I hadn't read that no. But my point still stands. That was the first knee jerk reaction. Pure hatred that in the real world could get the OP fired or tarnish their name. Even if you take that out there is the hatred to deal with against someone you have never met. This forum used to be a place where people were on the whole friendly to eachother and when there was an argument it was over quickly and the posters would be over it.
There is somewhat of a running theme on this forum, where people start reading between the lines and try to make something out of nothing.

You can make a completely innocent post, and someone will try their best to twist your words making it into something it wasn't. I just ignore them.
Did you read the thread though? He later apologised to the OP as he had confused him with somebody else in the BLM thread who initially posted this story in there.

The thread is still up there with probably one of the worst in many years.

Perhaps we should have a new forum for this level of quality? We have speakers corner for reasoned debate, GD for general discussion so maybe we need a forum for absolute **** posts?
I just can't believe the regulars from both sides who spout this daily haven't had a "break" implemented. Aren't the mods meant to be the godfathers?
There is somewhat of a running theme on this forum, where people start reading between the lines and try to make something out of nothing.

You can make a completely innocent post, and someone will try their best to twist your words making it into something it wasn't. I just ignore them.

Its not just this forum, its happening out in the real world as well. Everything is so polarised now, you are either in one group or the other with no middle ground it seems.
The thread is still up there with probably one of the worst in many years.

Perhaps we should have a new forum for this level of quality? We have speakers corner for reasoned debate, GD for general discussion so maybe we need a forum for absolute **** posts?
Speakers corner is this thread multiplied with various people being called Racist. The threads just descend into the same old farce until they inevitably get deleted.
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