I'd increase the fats personally and reduce the carbs a little. Can you give an example of what you're going to be eating? 300g protein is a lot of food unless (nothing wrong with that) you're relying on shakes... also bear in mind that optimal protein synthesis is around 40g per serving, though that is not to say that you won't get more the more you eat, it's just g for g 40g is ideal. However, this is only true if you eat foods with decent sources of leucine which helps promote/increase protein synthesis. Eating LOADS of protein ultimately ends up in being expensive carbs, unless you're able to utilise the protein in full, which is why it's sensible to cut your food costs a little by buying more fats to make up the calories.
For example 50g of nuts has over double the calorie intake than a chicken breast.
Let us say you only got your calories from nuts, you'd have to eat just over 400g of nuts to get 3000 cals. To get the same amount of cals from chicken you'd need to eat 2,500g of chicken breasts.
We all love protein in this game, but it is an expensive way to get calories. However if you genuinely NEED 300g of protein, then that's fine, just be aware that if you're doing it to get calories into your diet it's not the best way.
As I don't know how much you weigh it's hard to know. But in terms of ratios 30:40:30 would probably be what I'd go for. Using those ratios will lower your protein intake a little as well as carb but increase your fat intake by a small amount. Remember there are more than 2x the calories for every gramme of fat.
Furthermore, being uber anal about ratios etc... will just lead it to a mine field. It's quite a challenge eating lots of calories, it's even more of a challenge to eat the right ones! Most people think they're eating a lot, but more often than not, they really aren't!
My shopping bills aren't that big, I've cut them down to about £70 a week!
It's good to see you're thinking about it, hope we can offer you more help with your goals.
Just saw your diet, it needs more variation, and generally more food.