IT's a bit of a read - but it makes sense and in my limited self taught understanding of our body the science is sound behind it too.
The article is here:
Great read FF
But it doesn't take into account newbie gains, or is it basically saying that they're a myth
Hi all, currently doing this routine would like some advice for gaining strength.
8 am cardio 6 days a week - 30 minute swim session and steam room
Monday - Chest
DB bench press
Tuesday - Shoulders
Military Press
Seated DB press
Front Raises
Wednesday - Tri/BI
Cable Pulldowns with bar set
Cable Pulldowns with horsehair
Tricep Extensions
Preacher Curls
Hammer Curls
Thursday - Back
Quite bad on back so i mix and match a few things that i think is doing my back
Rear Delt Raises
Bent over rows
Then by friday im ready for chest again, think im doing this wrong.
I cant do legs since my knee is messed, do 4 sets of each at 10,8,8,failure reps
Thinking of starting 5x5, but im also on a weight loss diet, although im on kre aklyn and impact whey PWO.
You carry on like that and I'm going to have trouble catching up!
DL's went fine on Fri. Hit 175KG DL for 3x3. Still haven't failed any increments as of yet.
On the subject of eggs. I have 5 scrambled eggs almost every morning. That's approx 35 eggs a week, should I be concerned?
Edit: The eggs related Q was intended for the liquid eggs thread but it can stay here
Deffinatley worth doing something if not to maintain your fitness and keep your metabolism up.
Can do lots of stuff with those. Slow negatives, static holds, circuits etc. You don't need much equipment (if any) to give yourself a beasting.
You can try doing certain moves uni-laterally. SO try some one legged (pistol) squats, or during the press up focus your efforts onto mostly one side of the chest and then swap over for the next set etc. Can do the same for what I call an incline press up, bringing your feet much closer to your hands so that your body is at a 90 degree angle at the hips will place more emphasis on the shoulders. Shifting your bodyweight like this should give you some reasonable resistance without the need for weights.
Thanks for the advice mate. I could probably get away with taking one 20KG DB with me, might do that and work 'uni-laterally' as you describe, not exactly heavy but probably enough for a higher-rep workout.