Well the Tabata row was taxing but no problems there at all.
Front squats for the second Tabata, I know this isn't advised however the overall volume of intervals is lower but the intensity higher than 20 minutes of a 20/40 split so I'll see how this works for me.
I'm not flexable enough to hold in the clean grip so it's crossed arms pour moi. I have no shame in picking up nice light weights with my working front squat rep ranges going from 60-110KG I decided 30KG was a good starting point. I decided not to de-rack the bar from my shoulders as I didn't see the point for 10 seconds.
First set, 12 reps, 10s rest
Second set, 12 reps, 10 s rest
Third set, 12 reps, 10s rest de racked
Fourth set, 10 reps, 10s rest de racked
Fifth set, 10 reps, spent!
Sixth set 10 reps, collapse.
Can't describe how horrific it is. You've got all the lactate build up but with hardly any muscle pump which is quit strange. Once you finish the pump comes. My front delts also b egan to fatigue from keeping my elbows up nice and high. I'd picked the barbell up from the pit and took it to the mats so I wasn't in the way. 5 minutes later I'm walking it back in with sweat dripping of me totally gassed which got some suprised looks!
Deffinatley enjoyed it though