*** The 2010 Gym Rats Thread ***

I think its pretty clear dorian had both strong and powerful legs. This is one of those things that really seperates 'bodybuilders' from other weight trainers. It means NOTHING what you can bench or squat, all that matters is how you look. Someone can squat more than you? You only do leg extensions? If you legs are better you win simple as that :)
For bodybuilding, absolutely, it's all about size, shape and definition. :)

For me though, size is nothing without power & strength. All show and no go is rather daft for me. However that's why people have different goals. :) I'd rather be slim as I am now but strong, than 2st heavier and just as strong as I am now.

Was what I made. I was using it today, trying to lean forward as much as possible at all times, awesome exercise :D I did 8X5 though so either I'm doing something wrong or I need to add weight already? Anyone care to weigh (pun!) in on this?
Looks good to me matey.

Now get a weight belt and add some plates to your dips! :D

Be sure not to go below parallel as it can seriously screw up your shoulders.
For bodybuilding, absolutely, it's all about size, shape and definition. :)

For me though, size is nothing without power & strength. All show and no go is rather daft for me. However that's why people have different goals. :) I'd rather be slim as I am now but strong, than 2st heavier and just as strong as I am now.

You send me any weight gain and ill send you strength gains, deal? :p

Was what I made. I was using it today, trying to lean forward as much as possible at all times, awesome exercise :D I did 8X5 though so either I'm doing something wrong or I need to add weight already? Anyone care to weigh (pun!) in on this?

Looks good to me mate. Your tris will be on fire if you aren't used to them. The only problem I can see is if you start adding a lot of weight you might start pushing it apart without any support beams?
I can add another cross piece at the bottom but trust me the whole lot is solid, don't forget what those scaffolding connectors do in their real jobs :)

I think I will work on it a bit before getting a belt, can't really afford one anyway.
Since adding plates to me for dips my tricep power for dips has shot up. I can absolutley beast myself up from the bars with no weight hanging from me. Only been a few weeks and I'm cutting so can't really comment on the mass side of things though we all know the logic.

OT: Tried a few sets of squats with my heels 6" apart today, absolutley loved them, felt great and worked my core more than normal too. Really quite comfortable even though It doesn't look it, more so than back squats for me.
Just keep working at them it takes a while to create symmetry.

As with everything this will just take time yea, the difference is quite big yet i can still lift the same amount of weight both sides...though i guess more weight with my right.

Did Hang cleans with press today for the first time ever, really suprised at how much it killed my hands and grip, and also the pump it gave my forearms whilst doing themw as incredible!!

It was really hurting my hands to hold onto the bar so only managed 3 sets of 6 with 30kg

Shoulders now kill after re-vamping my shoulder sessions :) cheers to BennyC
Hang Clean to Over head press is effectively two compounds supersetted so don't be suprised if you have to lift a lot lighter than usual! I certainly do. Gives a wicked pump I agree.

Make sure you don't reverse curl and that the bar moves verticaly upwards, I guess this applies more to muscle cleans which is what I tend to do. Also not locking out should make it that bit more killer :cool:
really tried to concentrate on the form, i did find myself sometimes reverse curling it, need a lot of practise with this one :) i always lock out at the top off the press and slowly lower, so no lock out yea...bring on the burn haha
really tried to concentrate on the form, i did find myself sometimes reverse curling it, need a lot of practise with this one :) i always lock out at the top off the press and slowly lower, so no lock out yea...bring on the burn haha

Try leaning foward slightly for the hanging clean as this should make reverse curling very difficult/impossible so you should know when you've got it right. Really shrug and put some power into it.

If you find you've reached failure for the clean but not the press you can always try to clean and then squat under to get into the pressing position.
bar as close to your body as possible and moves up in a straight line as possible
big shrug as you come onto your toes and make sure you drive your hip forward powerfully
Complete tripe.

Sure, genetics will play SOME role in your shape and your genetic potential. However seldom anyone ever gets close to their potential. You can still make dramatic changes to your body and composition no matter what your genetic structure is like.

It's about how you train, what you eat, and your lifestyle.

There are no excuses for 99% of people.

I disagree as some people will never be what they want to be no matter how hard they train or what they eat. If you aint got the right genetical make up you won't get the shape / size you want. You might get close but not close enough in some cases.
what they want to be

It hinges on this. You can have a rough estimate of who or how you want to look but you will never look exactly like somebody else. Not without some serious plastic and cosmetic surgery.

Everybodys genes are different. I would look completely different at a lean 250lbs to say you weighing in at a lean 250lbs.

Regardless of how we looked we could both get to 250lbs with some serious dedication, diet and training and most of all time. We are limited as such by our genes but anything is possible.

You can't look like somebody else.
I disagree as some people will never be what they want to be no matter how hard they train or what they eat. If you aint got the right genetical make up you won't get the shape / size you want. You might get close but not close enough in some cases.

Yes because 99% have an image in their head that is unattainable naturally. They don't know this so spend their lives following every BS supplement and hidden training secret regime when in actual fact the only difference between them and the guy they want to look like is more test. If you have a sensible goal then anyone can be what they want.
I disagree as some people will never be what they want to be no matter how hard they train or what they eat. If you aint got the right genetical make up you won't get the shape / size you want. You might get close but not close enough in some cases.

Which ties in hand in hand with what I was saying. That genetics have sod all to do about it, and that it's all in your mind. Mental workout is just as much a part as weight training. The fact is (and this is basic science/biology) that anyone can pack on size - you'll never be a mass monster without gear for certain, and even the biggest natural's take their dedication beyond the realms of feasibility for 99% of the population.

I know I'll never achieve where I want to be, heck I never thought I'd be where I am now. But it strives me to want more.

2 people from 2 different gene pools can achieve the same goals, look different, but that's normal, everyone looks different, but EVERYONE can pack on an extra lean muscle. Most people DON'T because they don't train properly, eat properly, and give up after a couple of years.

People use "metabolism" and "genetics" as an excuse for lack of training, lack of dedication and to mitigate their own failures. Disagree all you like, but the fact is in this case it's purely down to the fact you are wrong. What you are saying is erroneous.
Originally Posted by cavonia
I disagree as some people will never be what they want to be no matter how hard they train or what they eat. If you aint got the right genetical make up you won't get the shape / size you want. You might get close but not close enough in some cases.
How close are you talking as not everybody wants to be a Markus Ruhl for a start? At the end of the day you should be content to be the best you can be.

Most people DON'T because they don't train properly, eat properly, and give up after a couple of years.
So true it is sad when you consider what can be achieved in 5-10 years.
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Simple fact, not everyone can achieve what they really want even if they follow everything they do to the letter. Load of rubbish saying that anyone can get there with proper diet etc etc. Genetics will put paid to that. I know guys who have trained really hard etc for years and they still haven't achieved anywhere near where they wanted to be!

One can only try. Try as hard as possible, but nothing is guaranteed. I can understand some people saying it is possible when they want that themselves but are still a long way off. They have to believe otherwise what they have achieved so far is a waste of time and effort.

Some people are naturally built, so to speak. They only have to look at a gym and they get awesome!! lol

Others strive to follow their magazine idols when they will never reach that point. Some train like demons only to end up looking like Mr Blobby. From what i have seen on here, nobody stands out at all. Average bodies. I probably have a less than average body! lol

I train 3 times a week but only to keep fit basically. I am not striving to be super strong or super cut. I have an average frame i guess. When i was younger i used to train seriously (Rugby etc) now, i am happy to have a good workout to keep my 16st 6ft 2 body in shape.
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