*** The 2010 Gym Rats Thread ***

If you're not ripping yourself to pieces at the gym then I think you're not likely to need that much - but on a good hard routine wiht decent volume that would be a nice place to start, though you'll probably end up eating lots more! :D
I do a lot of rotator cuff work - it's critical IMO. Helps lots with strength development too IMO. I have some good exercises my physio has offered me (most of them you can do from home). Too many people neglect RC work.
I up the weight once I get to a stage where I can do my working sets with ease. I up it until it's a challenge to complete the sets. Even once I've conquered the weight for the new weight of my working set, I always stay on that weight for a few weeks to allow my tendons to develop the strength as well.
Everyone needs a break - depending on your level of training you will have a certain amount of muscle memory, and it'll come back in a few weeks. I have to say that even on a 2 week holiday I seldom lose much weight if any. Strength goes a little but within a week or so I'm back up to full strength. Not sure about colds as I've never had one - but I can't imagine it being too tough, though bear in mind your body is trying to fight off the infection so you may be less likely to have energy for training and less likely to be able to focus on the training. Try not to stress about it - it's not worth it. :)
I do it on a step up platform so that the weights don't hit the floor when I'm at the bottom, so they have to fit on a step platform, which is quite narrow. I get more glute/ham activation that way I feel. Feet not point inwards or outwards.

However RDLs, I have legs at shoulder width apart.
Aww Tank - sucks dude :( Hope you get it sorted ASAP.

As for me, I'm injury free at the moment which is awesome. Managed a 230kg deadlift today too which was pretty powerful and felt goooood. :D

Kai - heavy weights stimulate your CNS. H
For regular bench I tend to go by my ring or middle finger on the ring on the barbell. Shoulder width is a little narrow IMO

For close grip, I'm normally just inside the "smooth" part of the barbell.
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