The 2011 Chilli growing thread - it's scorching!

I cant remember how many I counted last time but it was up around 100 on my hot cherrys.
If you hand plollinate, ive been having about 90% success rate.
Sad sight, are you feeding them? Could be feeding them to much if you are.

Yeah, feeding them a multi-purpse feed from doff.
Guessing it's affecting some species and not others due to it being different species.

Cut back and just use water?

Also sorry for large image size, it has been resized in photobucket but it doesn't want to update the link it seems. =/
Just gone to attempt to count mine and there is no chance. But with my Cayennes there has been a flower growing from each split in the steam.

AND I've just noticed that one of the chillies is ripening! Its a dark purple/red/green colour :) Wheyy!
Capful and half a week, in maybe around 600ml of water. Hard to tell as the jug I use doesnt have measures on it!
Not sure if I've fed them this week but past couple of days things have gotten a lot worse.

Well chilli focus, is half a capful per 1litre, once a week. Then when they start budding. Upped to 1 capful. So sounds way way to much. But I suppose it depends on the product.
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Capful and half a week, in maybe around 600ml of water. Hard to tell as the jug I use doesnt have measures on it!
Not sure if I've fed them this week but past couple of days things have gotten a lot worse.

Yep does seem quite a bit. What product are you using?

Post some pictures topgun!@!

Bad quality pic as you know how bad phones are in the dark but:

If too much food then ull need to flush the soil. Basically if its a litre pot then flush i think 10 litres of water through it in one go to get rid of the over feeding. Might need to repot after in some fresh soil taking as much old soil away. That or just feed a general purpose enricher about half strength and then water as normal for a week or two then u can add ur usual feed but half strength and only every 2nd or 3rd watering so once maybe twice a week.
Had a look at my Habenro plant today.. and hes grown loads.. its around 16" tall now and starting to flower, the leaves are huge. Thats the main plant I wanted to grow for its extra hot chillies, the others were just window sill fillers.
Hi guys

Im thinking I need to move them out of the 5inch pots and into 8 or 10 inch also should I cut off the growing chilli on one of the plants as it doesn't look big enough or strong enough to support ?

Hi guys

Im thinking I need to move them out of the 5inch pots and into 8 or 10 inch also should I cut off the growing chilli on one of the plants as it doesn't look big enough or strong enough to support?

Hmm they do seem a little small at the moment to be bothering about growing chillies. But it always seem a same to go snipping things off :(

Surely this is a lot of effort for something that won't last very long :P

Also :confused:
Hi guys

Im thinking I need to move them out of the 5inch pots and into 8 or 10 inch also should I cut off the growing chilli on one of the plants as it doesn't look big enough or strong enough to support ?

Mine are about 2 foot tall and in those exact same pots, I too would like to move into bigger but theres just not enough room for them all unless i cull over half the plants :(

Hoping mine will pick up now I have some new plant food. I will leave that little chilli to see how it develops.

Come on sun make them grow !
Demon reds, 2 to a pot, 13cm pots, sown in March, grown in a s/west facing window, leader topped around early May to give a short bushy plant, planted in John Innis No2.

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^^ I like :D

I might grow something like that next year. It would be nice to have a plant that could sit sociably in the front room as opposed to being a complete jungle!
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