*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Cheers mate. I asked a lad in gym to spot me but didn't really need him.

It's quite good training alone for focus. I just think of some chump who has wronged me then put the rage into strength lol
3x8 on the lunges is per leg so if you were to count each rep then yeah i did 16 reps per set :) only managed 3x8 though not 3x10 (or even 4x10)
Legs tonight...Didn't do squats (shock horror!) giving my back a rest.

So, I did the following:

Leg extensions:
1 x 15 x 30KG
1 x 20 x 50KG
1 x 25 x 60KG
1 x 5 x 70KG
1 x 5 x 55KG
1 x 5 x 50KG
1 x 5 x 40KG
1 x 5 x 20KG

I was supposed to work up to 80KG then work down in -20% increments, turns out I couldn't get to 80KG after all the prior :o And I also forgot to print off my instructions from Steeds :( Ah well, legs where jaffed.

Lying leg curls:
3 x 15 x 20KG

Side raises:
1 x 15 x 2KG
3 x 10 x 5KG

Calve Raises:
3 x 15 x 40KG (just did these as they happened to be setup at 40KG already :o)

Hopefully my lower back plays ball next week and I can get back to the squats
I survived!

5 mins warm up on treadmill

3 x 5 on squats with just the bar (olympic bar which was 45lbs)- got some funny looks but that's life

3 x 5 on benchpress - however it was busy around the free weights and squat racks etc so ended up using the machine for today just to get going again.

3 x 5 on bendover row - found this really hard at 65lbs -was struggling on the 3rd set - but then when i came away from that area - i think the weights are in kg's and not lbs!!

Anyway - will check on wednesday.

15 mins on bike & 5 mins on the rower,5 mins streching and done. Just about 50 mins.
booyaka, as you're starting off very light on squats spend some time making sure you get it right, it will pay off later. If you're not sure on form have a read around, check out rippetoe and 'so you think you can squat' videos. Also post up a video here. Better to start off how you mean to go on, I rarely see someone squat or deadlift properly in the gym.
Definitely ignore the funny looks. I still get them when doing mobility/GPP/functional stuff, I actually quite like confusing people :D

First day of the peaking phase of (modified) Korte:

Squats 3x3x150kg
Bench 5x4x82.5kg
Deads 2x1x202.5kg

Pullups bwx5, +10kgx5, +20kgx5, +25kgx5x3
Inverted TRX row (feet on physio ball) 3x10xbw
Cable row 3x12
Single leg DB deadlift 3x8x10kg (per hand)
Facepull 3x15
Plank 2x10s both legs to 10s right leg lifted to 10s left leg lifted to 10s both legs.

Lots of assistance stuff because I finished my base routine quite quickly. Squats were nice and easy, but that's only 5kg more than last week with less reps. Bench was fine, but had to work in with someone else and they were using a fully fat bar and a rubbish bench. Deads were really good. They felt a little slow but felt really easy. I'm guessing that this week at least will be a little slow due to the amount of volume I've been doing.
Those adidas weightlifting shoes seem to be the newest trend in my gym, loads of people have them!

My training has been sporadic of late 2-3 times a week and not been able to do any chest work with bad shoulder. deadlifted 150kg for 1x5 double overhand grip today though :)
Putting GMs back as my main lower body lift. Squats seem to suffer too much from my other activities. Started back doing GMs from the bottom position, not done them regularly since following WSB a few years back.
booyaka, as you're starting off very light on squats spend some time making sure you get it right, it will pay off later. If you're not sure on form have a read around, check out rippetoe and 'so you think you can squat' videos. Also post up a video here. Better to start off how you mean to go on, I rarely see someone squat or deadlift properly in the gym.

Thanks - will do some more reading/video watching tomorrow.

And can I just say gents - what a pleasure to enter a thread, with some basic questions and get such a decent, straightforward and warm response to my questions.

Thanks again.
Not done that particular routine, but did a stint of 20reppers, back when i was a "superheavyweight". Best was 135x20

20rep squats are evil!
That's a pretty awesome weight!

I've challenged myself to eventually do 140kg, which might happen... at some stage...

My best "silly squats" were 100kg for 41 reps :o Three solid days of DOMS ensued.
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