*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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ok thanks for that info. Will be next week before DL's again but will need to practise with some lower weight to get the mixed grip sorted.

Mixed grip makes a MASSIVE difference, I've always done it though. I started using DOH the other week and never noticed I was doing it after my warm up!

I realised and went to lift, and was in complete shock how easy I found the lift.

O and who came up with pinch plates! Damn they ache!

Anyone here do dragon flags at all?! Brutal! I've started to do them more and more and I love 'em! Do them at the end of my squat workout - good times! :D

Haha, I was watching Rocky V last night and thought to myself 'Damn they look hard!!'. Beast!
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One thing I've never had trouble with is grip. 500lb rack pulls raw, no problem.
I think a lot of people that have trouble, typically grip the bar and allow the weight to rest at the base of their fingers, rather than palm of the hand. Grip it tight, real tight ;) :D

I thought you were meant to grip towards the end of the fingers :confused:

Just did a late deadlift session - obviously I couldn't use chalk yet but trying out the mixed grip was a bit unusual to start with. I found the bar was easier to keep close to my body (to the expense of my shins) but I felt pretty tired tonight and towards the end of my sets my hip drive was fading and my form started to lapse.

I have started doing some mobility work to improve my hamstring flexibility to help with my squat and deadlift form (still need to get a video up), but it won't help if I push myself a bit much! :o
Had to google them. They look mental, I can imagine them being super tough to nail the form.
so should I go mixed grip from the start (i.e being a noob) so that I'm not going to change or stick to normal grip and change if/when struggling?

Also - protein shakes post workout. I've scanned the Supplements thread (jesus!!) and was looking for s straighfroward(ish) answer.

I am not looking to bulk up, if anything lose a touch of weight still, but should I consider a protein shake or something after workout?
Lol. Funny you should mention them. I had a go yesterday and nearly broked myself!!

Might have another go tomorrow if the gym is quiet enough.
No, it's because it's a stronger grip. You can hold drastically more weight, and lift drastically heavier with that grip (or hook grip). With double overhand, the bar rolls out of your hands, backwards towards you. With the alternate/mixed grip, the bar is rolling from one hand to the other hand, enabling you to hold significantly more.

Usually you do all or most of your warmups with double overhand, then for your last warmup rep and for your work set you switch to mixed grip or hook grip. Do not do your worksets with double overhand grip, you're dramatically short changing your deadlift sessions.

Not really, I know plenty of people who do this and do not suffer.

My work sets are double over hand, hell, my PB's are overhand...Naturally you will have to change eventually, but it's good to train DOH for as long as you can

EDIT: Went out with a few friends I haven;t seen for a while...They said I am looking a lot more muscular as of late :D So somethings working :o
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Gotta love being luscular.

Not really, I know plenty of people who do this and do not suffer.

You do realise that if you did try Mixed Grip, you'd see an instant improvement, right? just 'cause you think you're fine as you are doesn't mean you're right :p
I find myself using mixed grip on almost all of my sets these days.
Whenever I DOH on anything remotely heavy it crushes my callouses and makes the rest of my sets an arse ache even if I switch my grip, and I always use chalk because I'm a sweaty little animal in the gym.
Gotta love being luscular.

You do realise that if you did try Mixed Grip, you'd see an instant improvement, right? just 'cause you think you're fine as you are doesn't mean you're right :p


Hah, aware of that, I'm not saying it doesn't have it's place, hell, I used to do mix grip when I first started on like 20kg :D

Personally, I'd rather do DOH for as long as possible, merely for grip training. Granted, you could do as SMed said so you do the warm up sets DOH then do the working set mixed.
IF you require grip training, do it another time. Holding your back development/deadlift progress back because you're wanting to keep your grip up is silly. Do some rack pulls or curls if grip is that important to you, but I really think you should be sticking to Mixed Grip to really nail those heavy deadlifts.
If your grip is super strong then I don't see why you'd have a problem (I assume you're an Olympic fapper :p ). I reckon that it would make a difference, but it's pretty difficult to re-create the exact same energy levels/confidence levels for each session; perhaps the times you use mixed is because mentally you're already flagging a bit? :)
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