*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Today's lifts felt heavy today.. Wondered a few times that I had put too much weight on the bar for squats :o. Thankfully got through all sets though.
Am going to smash the **** out of my shoulders tomorrow lunch-time. BRING IT ON!

Have been on 3x8 for 5 weeks now, will keep it up for another 3 then switch to a full hypertrophy routine for some more growth (hopefully!)

Eating like a horse is starting to take it's toll, with the decent strength/size im putting on, the BF% is ever yet rising. Almost 200lb again, wanna hit 220 then hit a gradual cut ready for some beaching!

edit: the wheels on some of those fellas in the video,BEAST mode!!
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Smashed 145kg x 11 on squats :)
Then spent some time with Slya5 working on deadlift form which was tiring. I think the head position is improving. Slya5 has a video which I'll upload later of a couple light reps just to see how my setup/head position looks.
Hopefully I can get the form spot on for 1RM next week but I have a feeling the new form may effect my strength in the short term.
So had to put a plate on the floor in front of me to focus on while lifting, helped.


Gonna get some vids uploaded a little later. Blitzed the back and bicep session tonight. Week two of my bulking diet and I wasn't feeling totally nuked at the end of my session, which hopefully means I should break through my recent plateau's with ease :-)
Missed my chest session on Wednesday due to a stomach bug so had to do chest and back in one go tonight. Buckets of sweat and 3 hours later I'm literally ****** :(

Deficit Deadlifts
100 x 10
140 x 10
160 x 5
180 x 3 (Grip went)
180 x 5

The use of chalk was negated by the amount I was sweating so I had to revert back to mixed grip when my grip failed but I couldn't get in to a position that didn't feel like my arm was going to be torn off. Gave up after 5 minutes and went back to DOH and just reset my grip after each rep (usually deadlift touch and go). Going to have to re-learn how to deadlift using mixed grip again if I want to go heavier :(

Wide Grip Pullups
BW x 6
BW x 6
BW x 4
BW x 4
BW x 3

Pendlay Rows
55 x 8
65 x 8
75 x 8
85 x 8
95 x 8

BW x 8
BW x 8
BW x 8
BW x 8
BW x 8

Still not anywhere near doing these without pushing myself at the bottom of the rep.

Bench Press
60 x 10
100 x 10
120 x 5
140 x 5

Same as last week just 10 times harder and ended up with tomato face.

Incline DB Press
50's x 8
50's x 8
50's x 8
50's x 8
50's x 8

70 x 8
80 x 8
90 x 8
100 x 8
110 x 8

The End :o
wow, 140x5 on the bench! :eek:

Managed 150x5 on my squat today, still got it! :D
I'm on a cut you see and the lack of carbs is making me a bit less... energetic generally.

On a side note I'm now at 50kg on barbell complexes, they hurt. :eek:
so a couple of vids of my deadlifting form.

Its a work in progress, so constructive critism welcome. I will go first and say my head position is terrible on looking back but i have come up with a soloution to this and you may see from LiE's video earlier it helps :)

105kg x 8

and here is 112.5kg x 7 (thought i had counted 8 and easily had a few in the tank however clearly i missed one rep :( )

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how do you get the videos up in the posts by the way, or do they have to be uploaded as public for that to work as mine are unlisted?
so a couple of vids of my deadlifting form.

Its a work in progress, so constructive critism welcome. I will go first and say my head position is terrible on looking back but i have come up with a soloution to this and you may see from LiE's video earlier it helps :)

105kg x 8

and here is 112.5kg x 7 (thought i had counted 8 and easily had a few in the tank however clearly i missed one rep :( )

Put [ youtube ] Video code (Bit after youtube.be/) [ /youtube ] Although dont put the spaces in the brackets (I had to because it kept trying to show a video that wasnt there).
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