*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Nice lifting Syla5, what is it with you and LiE being all lean and stuff?

What did you do before the gym out of interest? Sports wise or what not? You can clearly go heavier on the weights bud, loads in the tank :)
LiE just make sure you aren't always looking down, neck stays in the same position all of the time so you end up looking at eye level at the end of the rep.

Syla5, not bad but as LiE says you don't have enough tension in your back. You can see in the videos that there is a slight curve in your back. It almost looks like Butt-wink in squatting, how is your posterior chain flexibilty?
Hey devlis I didn't do anything before the gym. I used to be more active as a teenager but from 18+ I have pretty much done nothing.

Djdom my flexibility is pretty poor. I am really working on my hamstrings at the moment as I know these are a sticking point and I am also doing some tasty hip openers to help out at the bottom of my squats. Flexibility is something I have only just started looking in to in the last couple of weeks
LiE just make sure you aren't always looking down, neck stays in the same position all of the time so you end up looking at eye level at the end of the rep.

Thanks. I'll get it eventually, it's just so instinctual to have my position move.
Nothing much further to add Syla5, just work on your back being more active and neutral and work on your thoracic mobility as well.

Today's session:
bar x many
170 - a really nice speedy rep, although when I looked at the video it didn't seem deep enough. Turns out it might have been when I looked on my PC, but I decided to go lower at the time...
2x1x180 - first rep (video'd) not as quick as I'd like, and disproportionately slower than 170kg. Happy with the training depth though, and second rep was better

5x4x90kg - REALLY speedy, also figured leg drive out!

3x3x152.5kg - easy and quick

Leg press - lots of weight with 5 reps, making sure that everything was quick and not grindy. Did a squat-esque stance and one with my feet higher up and closer together to hammer my quads, probably did 8 sets in total

BOR - wider grip than normal

Single arm row - 50kgx5x3 it was at this point that I remembered I wasn't meant to be doing heavy pulling today. Oops.

Step ups 3x10x10kg each hand

DB Bulgarian split squats - 3x5x24kg each hand - more an exercise in balance than anything else.

Then 5 mins of skipping and some hamstring stretches

Forgot GHRs :( Will do tomorrow

Nice lifting Icecold :)

Got some major doms in my traps today. Dont know if it was from the rows or from the set of Powercleans I decided to do after.
naughty morning just had a bowl of frosties and a cup of coffee for breakfast :)

always struggle to hit my 3k cals at the weekend so i find myself cheating a little!
Love the squats ice. I think I'm finally figuring out how to avoid butt wink, hopefully it won't be an issue during my singles next week.
Random story on strength:
Was in the gym office yesterday, guy comes around the corner "hey can I get a spot" - sure no problem. I walk around the corner and see the bar in squat position in the cage with 6 plates either side!! (260kg) **** I thought lol, he goes on to squat (ATG) and I ask him what is he training for. "I'm playing college football next year"
The kid is 17yrs old! Chatted to him for a while, nice young focused kid, and a complete monster!!
Uhl may be the strongest person in Clark County, regardless of age. He has bench pressed 375 pounds, squatted 625 and just before his 18th birthday in January, he deadlifted 700 pounds.
- Found that later on line.

Has to be juicing like a 5-yr old on a hot day!!
As much as I hate American Football (bunch of girls with all their padding :p) some of the poundage they can move while still being lightening quick is seriously impressive!

Looking nice. 170kg slight butt wink and slight instability in knees but ankles and feet look good. 180kg similar level of wink and knees a little less stable (might be just the angle), also again could just be the angle but it looked as if there was a little lateral movement but I couldn't see whether that was sideways or backwards. I don't think it's anything to be concerned about.

Make sure you get the deadlifts up :).

Have you worked out a way to do GHRs then?

A fun update I drank the barley grass powder with a vit C tab. Bad idea, frothy lumpy green **** :eek:, it was gross :p.
A fun update I drank the barley grass powder with a vit C tab. Bad idea, frothy lumpy green **** :eek:, it was gross :p.
Just throw it in with your protein shake, it doesn't taste of anything but it makes your shake look like mud. Works best with chocolate flavouring.

I just had an awesome super shake :)

70g WPC - Choc Smooth
300ml unhomogenized milk + 100ml water
20g Nutella
20g Almond Butter
15ml Organic Hemp Oil
5g Organic Green & Blacks Cocoa
5g Organic Greens
5g Creatine
1g Organic Matcha Green Tea
0.5g Cayenne Pepper
0.5g Cinnamon
Nice deads ice, bit of a tuck from what I can see, but you've definitely got a great squat style. I like! :D

I do GHRs by tucking my ankles under the rack with some padding on my knees.
Just throw it in with your protein shake, it doesn't taste of anything but it makes your shake look like mud. Works best with chocolate flavouring.

I just had an awesome super shake :)

70g WPC - Choc Smooth
300ml unhomogenized milk + 100ml water
20g Nutella
20g Almond Butter
15ml Organic Hemp Oil
5g Organic Green & Blacks Cocoa
5g Organic Greens
5g Creatine
1g Organic Matcha Green Tea
0.5g Cayenne Pepper
0.5g Cinnamon

Wow! :cool: :eek:
Every time I watch it I change my mind about how much wink is going on :/ Regardless, I can only keep stretching what I'm stretching and stabilising what I'm stabilising.
Just had a great session, got stuck on the 45kg BOR last time but done it easy today (minus the last dodgy rep :p). Pulling my shoulders back before the first rep helped.

Squats felt real good today, up to 57.5kg so slowly getting there. The hip mobility stuff I have been doing is helping so much. Felt so loose and strong today :D
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