*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Hey LiE, just wanted to say thanks a lot for the RDL tip - got to test it on Friday and it worked a treat. Was a tad too busy at the gym to take a video though, will strive to do so this week. Much quicker negative, plus more manly noise :)
Wow, I used to run all the time... Just did a 3.31 miler and I feel like my chest is on fire! Granted my area is very hilly, but 30:29minutes is about 3 minutes behind what I used to do it it!
I go up to about 180kg DOH with chalk but those will be for just a couple of reps. Anything more I need to use mixed grip.

Anyone here do dragon flags at all?! Brutal! I've started to do them more and more and I love 'em! Do them at the end of my squat workout - good times! :D

Done some of these the other night, form wasn't 100% but I was getting some dodgy looks from the very busy gym!

Went something like


H'm,backs feeling a bit better today, doc said to nor do anything for a couple of weeks...I do however have a lot to have a lot to do on the new house so may take it easy.
chest tonight. no spotter so onto the smith again, then DB presses and flys. Stuck at 65kg on the bench, can't seem to go past that but I am getting more reps :(
chest tonight. no spotter so onto the smith again, then DB presses and flys. Stuck at 65kg on the bench, can't seem to go past that but I am getting more reps :(

Try just using DB press for a few weeks and see how it goes, that may help you push past it when you move back to using a barbell.
Did some power snatching yesterday, think it went relatively well considering I have no idea what I'm doing. My flatmate saw a guy snatch properly before this one time (:p) and he said it didn't look great but was ok, and couldn't give any feedback as he also has very little experience of oly lifting.

I think I'll practice working up to 40kg for a while, but I went up to a comfortable but messy 60kg and decided to call it a day. Felt like there was some decent rate of force development going on, but I'll need to make it prettier before I see any real benefit. Hopefully the workshop I'm doing will help here.

After this I did a lot of stretching and completely obliterated my shoulder internal rotation.

Looking forward to a week of bigger lifts!
chest tonight. no spotter so onto the smith again, then DB presses and flys. Stuck at 65kg on the bench, can't seem to go past that but I am getting more reps :(

is your gym pretty much empty then?? if you go alone to the gym surely there is a few peolpe there, just ask someone. I have never had anyone say no to me yet, just tell them how you like your spot, if you dont like how they do it dont ask them again.
Getting a spot can really help, especially on bench, i went for a long time not asking for spots, now i just ask and i am pretty sure its helping.
chest tonight. no spotter so onto the smith again, then DB presses and flys. Stuck at 65kg on the bench, can't seem to go past that but I am getting more reps :(

Assuming it's at a local gym? Just ask a randomer! :D

I do this all the time, get kinda bossy though in telling them exactly how I want to be spotted!

"Help me with the lift off the rests, I'll take it from there, going for X reps, please just make sure you're ready if I absolutely cannot lift it up myself, otherwise leave me to it" :p

edit: spoke to Morba in work this morning, he's back into training I think, said he did legs and isn't looking forward to epic DOMs tomorrow!
Done some of these the other night, form wasn't 100% but I was getting some dodgy looks from the very busy gym!

Went something like



Nice! :D

As long as you keep your legs in line with your back and as straight as possible chances are you were doing it well.

Brutal DOMS afterwards.
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