*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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"Help me with the lift off the rests, I'll take it from there, going for X reps, please just make sure you're ready if I absolutely cannot lift it up myself, otherwise leave me to it" :p!

Know that feel! Asked someone at the gym on DB shoulder press for a spot, started to 'slightly' struggle and they immediately went to help "DONT TOUCH ME!: :eek: Made it through the last several reps.......then apologized. I like to usually struggle for a good 3-5secs before I know I can't push all the way through.
My default position for spotting is that I'll help you get into position (unrack bench, first rep of DB press of any sort) and then I'm not going to help unless you fail at a point that's going to hurt you. If you want cheat reps you're going to have to tell me, but you might find me absent for the second set ;)
Week 2 begins

3 x 5 reps - 27.5kg Squat
3 x 5 reps - 22.5kg Overhead Press
1 x 5 reps - 45kg deadlift (used mixed grip so that i'm just starting with that - felt fine)

15 mins on the bike

No rowing today as was in a hurry.

Going ok so far - squat was fine - feeling it a bit on the last one or two reps, overhead was much the same. Deadlift was no probs.

Enjoying myself at the moment - feeling good about being back at the gym!!
Starting to really get disheartened. Whenever I start seing nice gains, I go an injure myself. From broken arm/torn ankle ligament/Busted wrists/broken ribs... and now a sternoclavicular joint dislocation :(

Whenever an injury happens, I go back into a slump which takes me a while to get out of.
To that extent, can anyone try and help me out with a 3 day split where I don't actually use my shoulder or wrist (different sides unfortunately), is that even possible?

I'd love to squat, but can't think of any way without the use of the above mentioned shoulder/wrist.

Should I maybe just stick to running machine/swimming? (swimming will be needed a bit later on trying to rehabilitate the shoulder)
Your wrists are going to be pretty much used in everything...Along with moving the weights around :p

Know the feeling though mate, happens to me as well, although I don't break anything
Can't see why you couldn't back squat, as I don't tend to find it strains my wrist at all. Can you grip with your wrist, ie can you still deadlift etc?
S'only my fingers that are double jointed! thumbsup.jpg

Not sure how it works when you get to heavy weights, but when I do complexes and I'm quite tired, I tend to just use my forearms to keep the bar in position :D
Your wrists are going to be pretty much used in everything...Along with moving the weights around :p

Know the feeling though mate, happens to me as well, although I don't break anything

Can't see why you couldn't back squat, as I don't tend to find it strains my wrist at all. Can you grip with your wrist, ie can you still deadlift etc?

The "biggest" injury (for the moment) is the dislocation of a bone in the back of my shoulder (SC Joint), the wrist can be strapped up I suppose. I can't lift any weight above shoulder height.

I was kinda hoping I can use one of the leg press machines in a funky way to achieve - to a degree - squats, but don't think that will be possible.
May have to stick with the leg press until your wrists are healed. There may be a way to do squats with no arms on the smith but personally I wouldn't..
I'm struggling on 0 caffeine at the moment! Can't wait for it to get out of my system. Fortunately I still get dopamine and endorphins from food and going to the gym! I'll be asleep by the stack of weights... :o
Good luck FF

There's a good way to avoid the symptoms of being off caffeine :)

Keep taking it :D

Oh and, I FREAKING LOVE TRAINING SHOULDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I'm struggling on 0 caffeine at the moment! Can't wait for it to get out of my system. Fortunately I still get dopamine and endorphins from food and going to the gym! I'll be asleep by the stack of weights... :o

I may have missed something but what's the reason you're removing caffeine from your diet? Is this just a short term thing?

Oh and thank you to whoever pointed out My Protein had a sale on, I bought one of the bundles so have a few products I'd have bought anyway more cheaply and a couple of things that I'd probably never have bothered with otherwise but may turn out useful anyway.
Stalled on Overhead press today, at 65kg :( Hopefully be able to hit full reps next time:

Squats - 110kg
Overhead Press - 65kg (5,5,3,4,4)
Deadlift - 140kg
I may have missed something but what's the reason you're removing caffeine from your diet? Is this just a short term thing?

Oh and thank you to whoever pointed out My Protein had a sale on, I bought one of the bundles so have a few products I'd have bought anyway more cheaply and a couple of things that I'd probably never have bothered with otherwise but may turn out useful anyway.

Given it up for lent. :)
Bring Morba back!

One can only dream.

Know that feel! Asked someone at the gym on DB shoulder press for a spot, started to 'slightly' struggle and they immediately went to help "DONT TOUCH ME!: :eek: Made it through the last several reps.......then apologized. I like to usually struggle for a good 3-5secs before I know I can't push all the way through.

Me and my bro (when he came to the same gym), lived a by a 'Don't help them get the weight up, just stop it from going back down' policy! :p

The classic chest/tri combo tonight, going to tear up my chest like no other.

Caffeine + Bullet for my valentine - all set to go.

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