Missed this before...
a different kind of beast then!
Really looking forward to testing my maxes next week. If I want to compete at some point what's the best way to get in? I want a 600kg total before I'd compete though, does that seem silly?
It's easy to actually get into a comp., you just need to pick a federation (I'd recommend BDFPA or GBPF) and pay their membership, then just pick a comp. and fill in the membership form.
I really wouldn't aim for a 600kg comp. total just yet. It's far better to get some experience under your belt first. There will be people a lot worse than you competing, in fact anything over 550kg at 83kg would place you very well in most comps.
I'd find a comp. that's local to you and just go for it. Competition preparation is fairly easy and I could help you with that if you wanted (btw I changed my email address, can't remember if I emailed you...).