*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I was under the impression that you sprint as fast as you can for 20/secs then cool down / jog for a a period of time...Then after x amount of weeks your sprint power will increase naturally?

EDIT: I was saying 100yards to just go back on forth :p
If you're sprinting flat out, you wouldn't need to specify a time because you'll naturally hit a wall after a certain number of seconds.
The protocol I used for hill sprints was an initial start of 30m - with a 90s rest.

Then as I progressed the distance would have increased to 60m with a 60s rest (this took about 8 weeks).

You won't be able to run at 100% intensity, however as close to it as you can will give you the benefits.
You don't need a treadmill. Hill sprints, or even just sprints. Skipping. You just need to hit it hard then go slow, hit it hard go slow etc...

Well the other half is getting one for herself, so thought I might aswell put it to some use for myself :).

I dont see myself getting far with skipping from past experiences :p
The protocol I used for hill sprints was an initial start of 30m - with a 90s rest.

Then as I progressed the distance would have increased to 60m with a 60s rest (this took about 8 weeks).

You won't be able to run at 100% intensity, however as close to it as you can will give you the benefits.

I'm not really following, 100% intensity is going to differ from day one to day thirty naturally, as you are getting 'fitter' as it goes on...

You sprint as fast as you can for 30seconds, then cool down for a minutem rinse and repeat...Each time you do it your full-pelt should increase / become easier...However due to you becoming more 'fit' the sprint speed should increase a little
Have gained some savage lower hamstring DOMs after my first ever GHRs last night. I can't touch my toes :(.

I'm definitely in need of some better music for the gym, I've listened to my stuff too many times.

Any suggestions :)
The protocol I used for hill sprints was an initial start of 30m - with a 90s rest.

Then as I progressed the distance would have increased to 60m with a 60s rest (this took about 8 weeks).

You won't be able to run at 100% intensity, however as close to it as you can will give you the benefits.

Would the beginner basics or something like myself (total noob when it comes to this stuff), would be to sprint for 30secs, jog/walk for 90 and repeat? The better I get at it, the shorter my rests.

Abit like below:
That's what I would do Deception, just to get in to the swing of things if anything...then gradually lower the rest period down to a minute.
Er, what do you like? Guitars or electrical stuff? :p

I have a lot of disturbed, a little slipknot, some korn, some rammstein . . . that kinda stuff

But I'm also into some dubstep, like:


So go nuts, I like a variety of stuff depending on what I'm doing :)

My HIIT that I do is very basic and a little easy if I'm honest. I set the rower for 3 mins then do 10sec balls to the wall, 20sec "steady state" and repeat till the times up take 5 mins and go again :)
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Ahhh okay, so metal mainly in some variety :)

I've been in to my Dutch hardcore recently (otherwise known as gabba over here I guess...just heavier), not everyones taste mind :p

What about bands like Soulfly? Or In Flames or something...Naturally not all the songs will suffice
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They had double points yesterday, I know that's very helpful now :).

I don't think so no, my emails are bare and I don't use the pricematcher for any of my orders so I don't know about that.
That HIIT, is what Insanitys about, its 38mins - 1 hour depending on what your doing and its usually something like 1-2mins max intensity, then 30secs rest. repeat
An hour?! 1-2mins max intensity? Doesn't sound very typical of HIIT to me. Spending 20 mins doing HIIT would be enough for most trained athletes.

Newest on the gym playlist:

edit: also, EPP foam rollers are a lot harder than EVA. My gym has one and it's awesome.

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I play some Nero/Mt Eden/ The Prodigy when i am at gym doing Cardio / Warming up . However i switch to my Youtube playlist of Motivational Videos when 'working out', although i've only just started bodybuilding/Gyming recently i believe there is great importance in the psychological aspect and feel the videos help me pump out them last few reps. :cool:
I saw that you had added that, I have also found that by working out my muscles I've been drawing attention from the opposite sex, if you know what I mean ;).

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