So with the hill sprints you go flat out for the 30m then have 90s rest (included in this time is getting back to the start) and then run another 30m flat out with the 90s rest again and repeat for however many sprints you've selected (probably about 20). To compensate for you getting fitter you increase the length of the sprints each time or each week e.g. for week 2 you run 35m as fast as you can and have 90s rest again, for week 3 you run 40m as fast as you can with 90s rest between each sprint.
There's other ways of doing it but that is one fairly simple way of arranging it.
Aye I get ya

That's using set distance though, the way I'd do it is by merely running flat out each time, the distance you travel will naturally go up as time progresses.
Been doing it on a rowing machine at the moment, will probably change to a bike soon
Oh dear monsieur! You won't get fitter that quickly. Besides, it's supposed to be HIGH INTENSITY. i.e. you have to put in at least 80% of your max effort in to get the benefits. It's not about the speed, it's about the amount of effort. By increasing the distance, you're effectively offsetting any fitness or speed increase. You've got to hit the correct cardiac zone for it to work. If you drop into the cardio zone you won't be using the right stores of energy.
Well, that's how it's explained on practically every site I've read it on? Either way, surely by running as fast as you can each time you are using '80%' of effort? And this will only increase each time?
Just attempted to explain to my fat housemate why i am eating pretty much the same thing every day instead of 'living a little', while avoiding just saying 'because i don't want to look like you'
So pointless.
Aye, I'm never good at explaining why I goto the gym

Am I the only one who likes something a bit chilled in the gym?
Listening to SBTRKT when lifting currently![]()
Heh, I rarely listen to anything
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