*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I understand all that, just didn't get what the difference in running up a hill and doing it on a bike or something would make :)

Ah right. Well running up hill puts less stress on the knees - and you need a shorter distance to get the same effort requirements!

Spin bike is good for it too actually.

However, I'd rather not go to the gym for HIIT when you can do it at home ;) Also, it's good to vary the movements, like all exercises. :)
A lot of pre-workout blends have both caffiene and creatine.
Caffiene is fine as long as you don't go mad, and I like to come off it for 2 weeks after using it for a while.

True. I've been off it for about 2 months now due to taking creatine. Just finding out lately I need that extra kick in the morning while doing weights fasted.
True. I've been off it for about 2 months now due to taking creatine. Just finding out lately I need that extra kick in the morning while doing weights fasted.

You bought the caffeine powder/pills from MP? Supposed to be good, just make sure you pay attention to your measuring, as in the reviews, people have overdosed and ended up in Hospital, basically, the stuff is strong, so you don't need a lot of it.
You bought the caffeine powder/pills from MP? Supposed to be good, just make sure you pay attention to your measuring, as in the reviews, people have overdosed and ended up in Hospital, basically, the stuff is strong, so you don't need a lot of it.

I've took caffeine supplements in the past (200mg I believe it was). I've just got a pack of MP's One Blast shots sitting in the fridge doing nothing and they're getting tempting.
You bought the caffeine powder/pills from MP? Supposed to be good, just make sure you pay attention to your measuring, as in the reviews, people have overdosed and ended up in Hospital, basically, the stuff is strong, so you don't need a lot of it.

+1 to this! Gotta be careful with the powder
Ah right. Well running up hill puts less stress on the knees - and you need a shorter distance to get the same effort requirements!

Spin bike is good for it too actually.

However, I'd rather not go to the gym for HIIT when you can do it at home ;) Also, it's good to vary the movements, like all exercises. :)

Ta :) You'd have thought running up a hill would put more stress on the knees :o

Can't really do running, hurts my shins too much
Gym rats, I wish to draw on your knowledge for a moment please.

I'm having too many shakes at the moment during the day which I don't like. Could you recommend a meal/food that can provide decent protein/carbs. I already eat 250g of chicken so no more :p I'd like some variety.
Gym rats, I wish to draw on your knowledge for a moment please.

I'm having too many shakes at the moment during the day which I don't like. Could you recommend a meal/food that can provide decent protein/carbs. I already eat 250g of chicken so no more :p I'd like some variety.

My favourite meal: Chicken/turkey/beef, sweet potato and stir-fry veg [asparagus, mushrooms etc] with a drizzle of olive oil, i steam cook all that as well, tastes lovely.
The meal only needs to replace 1 scoop whey and 300ml milk.
Protein   Carbs   Fat   Cals 
35.8      19.4     8.1   294

Doesn't need to be that much protien, but I'd like some decent carbs.
I just made some piri piri turkey burgers. They come to just under 30g of protein per 100g, and I've been eating them in small wholemeal buns. Pita bread would be less carby but less awesome.
Gym rats, I wish to draw on your knowledge for a moment please.

I'm having too many shakes at the moment during the day which I don't like. Could you recommend a meal/food that can provide decent protein/carbs. I already eat 250g of chicken so no more :p I'd like some variety.

Few things il be putting in my diet when im out this strict diet are the following;

Turkey mince sage and garlic rolled into small meatball shapes, that in a pita with some natural yogurt

Steak medallions & Sweet potato and kale mash
Another good day and really feeling good about hitting the gym at the moment.

5 min on treadmill warm up

3 x 5 @ 30kg squats (ok still - trying to work on form)
3 x 5 @ 25kg bench (no bother at the moment)
3 x 5 @ 35kg barbell row (ok as well)

15 mins on bike (rolling hills program)


Lost 2lb's this week as well which I'm happy with considering a long day on the beers on saturday.
Here's what my diet currently looks like, it's designed for maintaining/possibly dropping fat.


The shake I want to replace is highlighted.
Guys, when I first started the gym a month ago my first few initial weight sessions left me the most insane DOMS for the following days but now I'm doing it on a reular basis I'm not experiencing anything close to this, all I could liken it to is muscle fatigue, not soreness.

I understand that this was largely due to not having extensively used these muscles beforehand, but should I be experiencing some kind of DOMS having had a "proper" workout? I'm just concerned I may not be pushing myself hard enough and not getting the most out of my sessions.
You could split the chicken and have some sweet potato / rice or something a seperate meal...That or just add it to the current chicken
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