*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Well, and there's many studies that suggest testosterone levels are lower in those that eat a diet with fewer carbs than protein, but I don't want to bring those into the argument as I'm sure there's contradicting studies and the whole broscience label

But also protein just shouldn't be that high really, you're just not utilising it all as much as you would energy from carbs. You might not feel like you're lacking on energy, but at the same time, I'm willing to bet you'd feel better for eating more carbs, you guys are ridiculously strong as it is, I guarantee you'd be stronger still with a decent and consistent supply of energy throughout the day
Thanks, it's something I might play around with.

I always make sure I'm well fueled by the time I get to my workout and energy doesn't seem to be a factor, but it won't hurt to experiment. It's perhaps more important when doing more volume with lower rest times...
lol taking some serious liberties with the word "athlete" there!

No, i would use the term athlete, any other sponsor maybe but these guys are insanly fit - e.g. Dragan Challenge at Bodypower 2010 taking part in his 1st 10 man Dragan Challenge (with Maximuscle) where he successfully outlifted the successive combined efforts of 10 people.

They recently did a challange where they challanged the army to put their fittest up against them!
I always make sure I'm well fueled by the time I get to my workout and energy doesn't seem to be a factor

Out of interest what diet/food routine do you follow?

I'm currently sticking to the early morning lean gains (16/8). I'm up at 6 and at the gym for 6:30 and do an hours session, but having not eaten since 8 the previous night I do sometimes feel myself lacking energy, apart from that though, it's a simple yet effective diet, I'm really enjoying it. I LOVE lunchtime, I absolutely feast with it being my first meal :D:D
I've massivly reduced my carb in take for the past week and a half and have also being really strict of what I eat, no snacks unless im starving then I'll have a glass of full fat milk or peanut butter on a slice of bread. Its made me have a great loss of energy towards the end of my session but its been worth it as I've dropped down to 65.5kg from 67kg and it all seems to be fat I've lost as im starting to see some abs :D.

Not lost any strength tho but not gained much either as the weights have kind of stalled although I'm technically getting stronger as my body weight to what Im lifting % has increased or does that not count? =P
Urgh all this talk of restricted diet/cutting is not making me excited for my up coming cut (got about 3wks left of bulk).
Not done much since my surgery, been eating pretty crap and STILL lost 2lbs :( not even trained.
I was on IF, then someone on here convinced me to try and implement 6 small meals per day into my lifestyle again, i can say that i feel loads better.

LOL, the exact same here. Will be interesting to know how it feels when cutting though.
I was on IF, then someone on here convinced me to try and implement 6 small meals per day into my lifestyle again, i can say that i feel loads better.

I know it's not the be all and end all but what sort of calorie intake are you getting per day with the 6 meals, and at what times do you eat?

Currently on 2000 a day but might look to dropping that to around 1800 depending on how SL and cardio works for the next two weeks - hoping for a 2lb a week loss.
I was on IF, then someone on here convinced me to try and implement 6 small meals per day into my lifestyle again, i can say that i feel loads better.

Training fasted or not? I haven't noticed a difference at all personally but I train after breakfast as a minimum.
Out of interest what diet/food routine do you follow?

I'm currently sticking to the early morning lean gains (16/8). I'm up at 6 and at the gym for 6:30 and do an hours session, but having not eaten since 8 the previous night I do sometimes feel myself lacking energy, apart from that though, it's a simple yet effective diet, I'm really enjoying it. I LOVE lunchtime, I absolutely feast with it being my first meal :D:D
I don't have a food plan as such, so I don't think I'll be of much use to you :)

I tend to just calculate my macros on the fly, and even then I only really care when I'm trying to reduce my bf% to make weight.

Actually reasonably lean at the moment, serratus anterior is poppin' yo (:rolleyes:) :p. I'll post a picture when I hit 87kg to compare with an 87kg picture I took last July.
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