*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I know it's not the be all and end all but what sort of calorie intake are you getting per day with the 6 meals, and at what times do you eat?

Currently on 2000 a day but might look to dropping that to around 1800 depending on how SL and cardio works for the next two weeks - hoping for a 2lb a week loss.

I'm cutting atm, so around 2200 calories per day.

Training Day: 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm [pre-workout], sessions usually last 45 minutes, so around 7pm [post-workout].

Rest day is the same, but post-workout/dinner is 9pm, but i don't stay strict to times, as in reality i can't always stick to those exact times.

Training fasted or not? I haven't noticed a difference at all personally but I train after breakfast as a minimum.

I did train fasted on IF, i feel better not training fasted now, i'm putting more into my training sessions, and i train in the evening.

I'll get a bigger picture up after i get my tattoo's done, but that was me a month ago:
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I must eat in excess of 400g's some days, love pasta/rice/bread(i know i know...)

You lot seem to be happy around 85~ KG there abouts, is it just me who wants to hit triple figures?!
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No, i would use the term athlete, any other sponsor maybe but these guys are insanly fit - e.g. Dragan Challenge at Bodypower 2010 taking part in his 1st 10 man Dragan Challenge (with Maximuscle) where he successfully outlifted the successive combined efforts of 10 people.

They recently did a challange where they challanged the army to put their fittest up against them!

Doesn't make you an athlete! But fair enough, being a fitness model doesn't necessarily mean you aren't an athlete.
yeah thats the Dragan challange; to beat 10 men is something but more impressed with the likes of their challanages, world record: longest held human flag, there are few more in the crossfit area they have as well
OK final update on the diet now. Recalculated the PB Toast based on today's serving weights, added in glass of OJ which I have, included the sauce with the chicken, added a banana and removed 300ml from the shake.

Also here you can see the timings and my crazy gym time supplements :p

I must eat in excess of 400g's some days, love pasta/rice/bread(i know i know...)

You lot seem to be happy around 85~ KG there abouts, is it just me who wants to hit triple figures?!

I was triple figures, but it's a lot of work, eating, and also I wasn't THAT lean. Sure you could see my abs and separations in the legs etc... I was very powerful though.

I'm around 92-93kg at the moment and reasonably lean (16-17% or so) and slowly shredding away the fat, and keeping my weight and my strength is working back up. I don't want to be huge again - I can do it too easily - being strong and lean is tough and I'm learning a lot!
For my carb up this year, I'll be eating 1000g of carbs a day :) YEAH BUDDY!!!

Meals consisting of just a pile of rice/potatos!!
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