*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Anyone used Amonia Smelling Salts? They have spiked my interest recently. Perhaps they will allow the next level of beast mode to be unlocked :p
But with a calorie deficit, I would struggle in the gym with the weights.

Less so than you think though, not as if your going to drop to half of what your doing. You may just not go up as fast as what you are doing.

There is a reason there is guys at 70~kg that can lift stupid amount of weights.

I get into states where I'm punching my steering wheel with the beat to loud ass music on the way to the gym some nights. It's awesome.

God I wish I was like this. I'm just about awake by the time I get to the gym. I should probably start going in the evenings, after work but then I lose all motivation as all I want to do is go home and chill out.

On another note, I've just started to incorporate some form of HIT into my cardio sessions having just watched the horizon documentary (typical sheep mentality, I know!) but I'm curious to know from those of you have been doing it beforehand what makes up your HIT?
God I wish I was like this. I'm just about awake by the time I get to the gym. I should probably start going in the evenings, after work but then I lose all motivation as all I want to do is go home and chill out.

I go after the gym when doped up on copious amounts of caffeine, with creatine and a banané!

Tried going firsrt thing in the morning a couple weeks back after breakfast, awful awful workout!
Rob just knock back a pre-workout supp and you'll be buzzing.
When I was working in London I used to drink my pre-workout on the train as it was coming into the station then go straight to the gym.
Rob just knock back a pre-workout supp and you'll be buzzing.
When I was working in London I used to drink my pre-workout on the train as it was coming into the station then go straight to the gym.

I'm taking the SciVation Xtend supp for pre & post workout, got any suggestions on what I can mix into pre to get me going?
I only take caffeine pre gym now when i'm feeling really tired. I find some LOUD music and fist pumping in my room gets me fired up enough :D Anyway gonna have to gym quite late tonight only just got in from uni and i'm starving
Be careful taking pre-workout supps on an empty stomach, they can make you feel sick.
Clean and Jerk = 90kg :)

Clean was smooth and actually easier than I expected, I don't know what happened but my drive wasn't as good as normal on the jerk so it ended up as a clean + jerk + press.
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