not sure how long you have been training, but from a relative new comer (only just coming up to 1 year in the gym) i can say that my best gains came when i was eating well and doing SL5x5.
When i first went to the gym i was using gordy's 3 day split workout for beginners .This was great for getting me in to the gym and getting me motivated, and like every newbie i saw gains. I stuck to this for the first 16 weeks roughly of my training.
I stuck to stronglifts 5x5 for 12 weeks and had very good gains from the routine. The only reason i changed from SL5x5 was for a bit of a change.
After SL5x5 i did a 2 day compound lifts focused split, still only going to the gym 3 days a week with a few isolations thrown in for good measure this routine was more focused towards 3x10 so slightly lighter weights and the aim was to encourage growth more then strength. I didnt see great gains on this routine but my problem i think was down to not eating enough as i had dropped my food intake.
At the start of this year i stuck to a 3 day split but dropped the reps down and would play around in the 5-8 rep range for 3 working sets. The reason for this was that i was cutting and so i wanted to encourage strength while being in a calorie deficit, to make the most out of the muscle i was keeping

. During this 2 month period i achived my new 1rm's so quite pleased with that.
Finally and only 2 weeks ago i changed to a 4 day split based around 3x8 working sets of 70% 75% and 80% of my 1rm increasing my 1rm figure by 2.5kg per week, and 5kg per week on DL. The only reason i have moved on to my most recent program is i am now bulking again and i am also going to the gym 4 days a week now.
My plan for the above is to do a 8 weeks of the above and access my 1rm's ( this will be all in hope i can hit my 100kg bench 1rm before my birthday). I will then access how much longer i can add 2.5kg to my 1rm for each week and keep goin from there, i will either keep adding 2.5 per week or move to adding 2.5 every other week and maybe play around between 5-8 reps for the working sets dependant on how my form is holding up etc.
I hope my experiences as a relative newbie are of some help to you, stick with one program for at least 10-12 weeks and see how your doing, change is good, change to often is not.