*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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If that doesn't make you want to go to the gym right this second, maybe it's not what you really want to do :o

That's an awesome video. Any idea on who is talking in it? Oh also, do you have a pre-gym motivation play list at all?

And Sigma, get on it buddy! You seems really confident before with how you wanted to do things, so get cracking! Don't fall in to the same trap I did. You need to EAT, if you want help with a diet post it up and post your weekly budget.

If you need help with a training program, ask...Hell, keep it simple for the time being, just to get back in to the swing of things. Get in, make progression each session :)
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Just got a question, been doing Stronglifts for about 6 weeks and just wondered what people consider is decent for Squats, Deadlifts, Bench for an 'average' guy.

Is there anything like 1.5x Bodyweight for Deadlifts etc? Just want to see where I stand if I'm under, or on average (probably not over yet!)

Could have used the perfect excuse of not having eaten enough today but I didn't. :p

Beasted out the following at home:

4x10 pressups - holy **** I've lost some strength, the last set was a struggle, I was banging them out easily before :(
DB deadlift 3x8 - knees clicked like ****! Put me off doing overhead squats.
DB Shrugs 3x10 - easy!
DB shoulder press 3x10 - easy!
A few palm facing inwards pullups - bit of a struggle but they were at the end of the workout so didn't push too hard, always injure myself when I do this!

Who was I kidding??? I AM going to go to the gym next week. Don't think I've lost too much strength but it's going to take a few weeks to get back to where I was.

Thanks to those who kicked me up the bum, guess I didn't need much convincing. I am my own worst enemy sometimes. :o:o:o

<3 (no homo)
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So it turns out if everyone did gymnastics we'd all be much better at everything. Grip would improve, flexibility, stability, strength, all of it would rocket. Obviously I'm not saying twirl a bit of ribbon round while you gently sway to some lovely music but I mean get on the rings or the parallel bars and in a couple of weeks you'll just be a boss at everything :D.
So it turns out if everyone did gymnastics we'd all be much better at everything. Grip would improve, flexibility, stability, strength, all of it would rocket. Obviously I'm not saying twirl a bit of ribbon round while you gently sway to some lovely music but I mean get on the rings or the parallel bars and in a couple of weeks you'll just be a boss at everything :D.

Have you seen the size of some of the gymnasts? They're flippin' HUGE!

Crazy levels of core strength too!
I need to spend a £30 Amazon gift voucher soonish, anyone got any suggestions for useful home equipment, something I could use on my rest days/evenings after work, like a foam roller etc?
Crazy levels of core strength too!
And their shoulders are bigger than my head!

So got me some Jack3d delivered today and this stuff came with it:


Anyone use this stuff? Only info I can find says it can give you a case of the moobs.
I might grab one myself too, do you use it on your off days or after your sessions?

I need to spend a £30 Amazon gift voucher soonish, anyone got any suggestions for useful home equipment, something I could use on my rest days/evenings after work, like a foam roller etc?


Got this and I think a few other people here do also. I have been using it daily working on mobility and posture (see icecolds excellent mobility thread). Also used it after running, great for getting rid of shin pain. Easily one of the best purchases I have made recently.
Don't bother with it

Only thing it might do is boost your libido, but in terms of gaining mass, it won't do a thing
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