*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Not usually one for writing up my workouts but felt quite good after today's! Maybe something to do with bumping into a mate I ain't seen for about 18 months and him asking if I was on gear! Lol. Made me smile.

Flat db press

Inc bb press
60x10 (x2)
70x 10

Chest press machine (oly plate loaded)
40(aside)x10 (x2)

Flat db flies
17.5x8 (too heavy)

Bent over rear delt cable flys - http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/DeltoidPosterior/CBRearLateralRaise.html

Wide grip bent over rear delt row - http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/DeltoidPosterior/BBRearDeltRow.html

High wider grip face pulls
4 sets 10 (not sure on weight - not labeled)

Side raises
10x10 (x3)

Seated overhead smith press
4 sets 10 (not sure on weight as it's a stupid counter weighted machine)

Db shrugs to finish
30x10 (x2)

Aaaand breath. Seems like loads but time flew by and I didnt feel super drained afterwards either! Unlike Wednesdays leg sesh, felt like I crashed half way through and had to push to the end then.
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Any reason you do the pressing movement towards the end of shoulders?
Try supersetting rear flyes with facepulls :)
Still not been to the gym this year.

Can't really be bothered at the moment, got quite a lot on - well that's a good enough excuse anyway. :o

Stop slacking, your body isn't going to improve with nothing to challenge it ;) You'll be kicking yourself in summer when you wish you'd had an extra few months of training to show off.
Stop slacking, your body isn't going to improve with nothing to challenge it ;) You'll be kicking yourself in summer when you wish you'd had an extra few months of training to show off.

You're right. :o I was pleasantly surprised to see feel that I have some lat muscles the other day (my own, obviously :p) so if I keep going I might actually look less like a rake one day.

I could have gone today but I keep sleeping odd and messing my neck up. :mad: Monday it is then, hopefully.
You need to treat the gym like an important appointment. Set the time and don't miss it.
You're right. :o I was pleasantly surprised to see feel that I have some lat muscles the other day (my own, obviously :p) so if I keep going I might actually look less like a rake one day.

I could have gone today but I keep sleeping odd and messing my neck up. :mad: Monday it is then, hopefully.

Man up and get it done.
Any reason you do the pressing movement towards the end of shoulders?
Try supersetting rear flyes with facepulls :)

Purely because I think my rear delts are lacking a bit. Hence the number of rear delt movements, and working back to front, rather than front to back.
I think you'll be able to hit the rear delts just as well after doing all the pressing :) I always do pressing first because it requires the most effort. Rear delts aren't that taxing comparatively, and my rear delts a nicely developed.

Sigma stop being lazy! Are you happy having an average Joe physique? if not get off your butt and get cracking. Set a diet and routine, put aside the time in your week and get fired up :)
OK, OK, you got me - that is a great video.

Tomorrow I will do (providing my neck is better) the following at home:

Bent over rows
Press ups
Overhead DB squat
Some chin ups
Standing shoulder press

It's a start!
Gym workout update for this week. Been going at 7am before work and find it a lot better due to the gym being virtually empty.


Supplimented with the below diet:

75g Porridge Oats
one scoop whey protein
one sliced banana
handful flaked almonds
1/2 grapefruit
Half bagel w/ peanut butter

Post Workout
2 scoops whey protein


112g chicken breast
250g sweet potato
1/2 cup broccoli or green beans
1tbsp good oil


Jacket potato
1 tin tuna or 112g chicken
1tbsp good oil

112g chicken breast / turkey
70g brown rice
200g spinach
1tbsp good oil

salmon fillet or tuna steak or white fish
plate of veggies
1tbsp good oil


3 boiled eggs


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