*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Genetics help, but it isn't the be all and end all. If you aren't improving in size over a years training, you need to change your training style to shock your body.

Different things work for different people
That's quite plainly rubbish. Sure genetics will help develop more/less, but irrespective of that if you train well, eat well, you will develop no matter what. Sure you won't necessarily be a mass monster, or get amazingly good looking abs or muscles necessarily, but you WILL grow, you WILL develop muscle - it's just basic human biology. Don't listen to that crap. It takes YEARS - if you're giving up because it's not happening over night then you need to calm down, take a breath and keep at it. Else, just do it to keep fit. Look at the people on here, all shapes and sizes, and they have all changed over the years. IT's possible to achieve, you just have to work at it.
Indeed ^^^

I'm still new to this game (only been training for 3 years, and thats on and off) so i'm still learning what my body NEEDS to improve. The problem boils down to when people don't see results RIGHT NOW, then give up and go 'ugh genetics' or end up going to the dark side.

Myself, if I don't see any changes come March (I mean any changes) then I'll move things around again, and look at my calorie intake.
google "Bodybuilding Tip: Why Are Dudes In Prison So Yoked ?!??"

basically they are saying it's not worth taking supplements or training your ass off every day and being pedantic about form, etc, because the amount you can grow and your full potential is based on your genetics not what you eat or do.

i believe this to be true, some guys go in the gym every day and do not grow at all, same size in 5 years time, other guys go 2 or 3 times a week and are jacked, basically genetics > all.

you cant change your genetics.

so dont worry too much about things just enjoy doing what your doing, chances are it will make next to zero difference if you have poor genetics if you don't do everything 100% right.

it's probably the reason why i have always had huge ass legs and had problems driving cars and getting jeans even when i never ever trained legs. my leg genetics are just insane. same goes for my shoulders but the rest is fairly average or less than average.

these twins even though they are twins have different genetics one of them has perfect abs and the other has wonky abs, see their other video on genetics for more info.

some solid real info from these two.

lol. Any person who goes to the gym and doesn't make progress in 5 years is doing something hugely wrong, nothing to do with 'genetics'
Many people are ignorant just what is needed to grow in the gym, they eat what they consider to be enough and train plenty. What they don't do is keep a close eye on how they are responding to their training/diet - I've fallen into this trap before. If they did pay attention they may spot that what they are doing isn't working. I use scales to keep track of things, I can see my weight steadily increase over the weeks so I know it's working. If I didn't gain weight in many weeks I would increase my calories or change my training until I saw change again.
At the same time LiE, a lot of people would look at the scales, see their weight is increasing and assume it's all good, when in reality, they are gaining 99% fat from eating far too much and doing far too little in the gym
At the same time LiE, a lot of people would look at the scales, see their weight is increasing and assume it's all good, when in reality, they are gaining 99% fat from eating far too much and doing far too little in the gym

True, I mainly use scales because I can't see change in my body when I look in the mirror. It's easier for me to see if I'm gaining too much fat as I'm starting with a leaner base.
Maybe I'm on my own here then, I guess training by myself at home doesn't give me a window into what the majority of peoples' form is like.

How about if you guys squat ATG with no bar, do you still get the lower back rounding/bum tuck?

I should have added the proviso that this is with a very wide stance, I imagine it'd be somewhat more difficult with narrower footing.
Yep I think it's all to do with hips. Since doing lots of stretches Icecold has shown, my squats have improved massively. I really feel the strain in my abs and hips where I tended to load my back up before.

Mansize_tissue in the video he has a pretty narrow stance. That's why I thought it was impressive. You are talking about more of a powerlifting stance?
Agree. I''m a competent squatter but I've never been able to squat ATG without my tailbone tucking in which can be dangerous.
Same here. I stopped doing ATG when I was watching my form very carefully in the mirrors. My tailbone starts tucking in once I go about 2 inch below parallel, this was leading to lower back pain for me. So now I just go 1 inch below with my back perfectly straight, just not worth the risk... or the pain!

I am now going to work on my flexibility more and see if I can work on this.
Mansize_tissue in the video he has a pretty narrow stance. That's why I thought it was impressive. You are talking about more of a powerlifting stance?

Yes looking back he does have a rather narrow stance, that does make it somewhat more impressive I must say! I adopt what most would consider a PL stance yeah, wouldn't dream of going any narrower now.
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