Lol this. I'm only 5'9" so have to jump up, the first time I tried wide-grip I fell straight off .
Hehe, didn't mean to be so blunt, but this is what I would do
I wish the bar I have at home was higher
Lol this. I'm only 5'9" so have to jump up, the first time I tried wide-grip I fell straight off .
Any tips for breaking my new lifting belt in? Should have it soon hopefully.
Out of interest why are you using a belt?
Pushing closer to 1rms?
All my 1rms were done without a belt. However I have done years of core and compound exercises.
I just don't like the idea of them. I know how they work and what they do. I just see them being counter productive.
Went for a run last night, did about 1.2 miles according to google. Ankle was starting to hurt so walked back with a little jog at the end. Can't wait to do more though, i like running.
I think i'd like it.
But same as you, my knee / ankle / shin would give up before me.