*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Good squats too.

You find your back is a lot more stable on your squat if you get your knees out wider. You might want a slightly wider stance for this. Also be careful about knees going too far forwards.
Trouble is with wide knees, is I find it works totally different parts of my legs.

If I want to concentrate on my outer sweep, I'll have my feet closer together and knees facing forwards. Which if I'm just working quads as a whole, I'll go wide stance with knees wide
I'm the opposite, with knees out I don't find it hits my quads - it's all hamstrings and glutes. Closer stance with knees forward to me is similar to a leg press which hits the quads.
Leg press good for that too Steedie? I'm imagining it's easier to stabilise that way. Or with high bar maybe...

edit: as a rough rule, the further forward your knees go the more your quads will be used. It's a balancing act between more muscle being used being good, and going further and reducing posterior chain involvement and putting your knee in a riskier position.
I don't go wide, but my knees are out big style.

Vid I did for Delvis shows my stance

For those powerlifters amongst you :)

We want you to perform your 1RM of the dead-lift, bench-press and back-squat, and then add them up and submit your grand total.
Here’s an example entry:

Deadlift 160kg
Bench-press 95kg
Back Squat 135kg
Total = 390kg

Prizes: 5kg Impact Whey Protein, Lifting Straps, Liquid Chalk and Neoprene Belt.

We are going to run 2 competitions in parallel with each other:
1. Under 90kg class
2. Over 90kg class

To enter, simply ask a gym buddy to film a video of you performing the lifts and upload them online (please film from a side-angle so that we can judge the full rep is complete – no cheating now!). Then post them up here on this Facebook note along with your total score. Please note that this competition is also running on the MP Forum (link below) and across all European Facebook pages!

Lifting Straps, Knee Wraps and Belts are allowed.

Closing date for entry is Sunday 15th January

Forum link: http://community.myprotein.com/mypr...5363-myproteins-strongest-man.html#post498488
Saw Dave Titterton in the gym today and got chatting to him for a bit. Learned some great tips. Must say he is an absolute beast.
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