*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Only time I take my BCAAs is on the days where I spend 2-3 hours in the gym. Other than that I just have a hefty PWO when I get home. It's like people said, far too expensive to be taking the stuff on a daily basis.
Scivation xtend is the way forward.

Leg muscles and joints are very stiff today which sort of confirms my poor session last night was down to physical fatigue. Don't really know how I've managed that after only two full weeks back at the gym :/

Lifting what you're lifting having just returned.....this is madness, THIS IS PIGEON_KILLER!!!
I'm making nice progress on The Triumvirate.
I am doing BBB for Military Press but that's no biggy, doesn't hit you the same as squat or deads as you know :)
I'm making nice progress on The Triumvirate.
I'll see how my deadlifts go on Friday before making a decision on my next wave but I'm thinking BBB for shoulders and chest and The Triumvirate for squats and deadlifts.

Never felt so physically fatigued after so little time and I've always had mental fatigue to go along with it, just not this time. Apart from my legs and back (half my body I know) I feel fit and healthy :confused:
Hi, not sure if anyone has tried this site but I found it very good and just ordered 80 Chicken breasts, 1KG of mince and got 2 gourmet steaks thrown in for a first order for £74 delivered on a Saturday.

Worth having a look at

That's pretty good. The cheapest I've found diced chicken breast is £23-ish for 5kg, and that site does 5kg for £30.
I'll see how my deadlifts go on Friday before making a decision on my next wave but I'm thinking BBB for shoulders and chest and The Triumvirate for squats and deadlifts.

Never felt so physically fatigued after so little time and I've always had mental fatigue to go along with it, just not this time. Apart from my legs and back (half my body I know) I feel fit and healthy :confused:
Avoid Korte like the plague ;)
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