*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Prison food will be contracted out, so will be cheap full of protien, high gi carbs and calories.

When its one of your few luxuries it will be getting scoffed, plus you can nearly guarantee that roids will be quite easy to get a hold of.

Plus when you've got nothing else to do, and only a few hours exercise time a day, you make sure it counts and you hit those weights hard.
In that load order video, at 4 minutes he says you should easily be able to fold over and touch the bar, if not then you need to work on this.

How would one go about working on this? Glute bridges and lower back stretches?

Why have you removed the videos? I wanted to see them :(.

It's not over doing it doing DL and SLDL in the same week?

Nope. You're fine :).
Deloaded on all exercises due to a month of on/off training - been away, drinking etc.

3x5x72.5kg Squat - all parallel, knees right out although a tiny bit of wobble, still feel it in the back a little though.
3x5x45kg OHP
1x5x110kg DL (felt really easy so thought for the hell of it I'd try my old PB)
1x130kg DL - matched my PB and still quite a bit in the tank I think, form much better than last time.

Gym was busy this time so I'm going to record next time as I've finally fixed my phone so it can record again.
Good week, finished strong, repped my current 1rm on squats, 130kgx4
Borrowed LiE's belt so form not perfect.
120x6 and defiantly had a few more in the tank.
130x4 also a couple more reps in the tank :)
Bring on next week :D
good videos for the noob in me.

Can I ask - from the video you appear to be resting your hands on the bar, rather than gripping it? Is that the case?
Really enjoyed my legs and shoulders day today. First time doing legs in aaaaages. So not expecting to be able to walk tomorrow. It felt so good to be back under a heavy bar though.

8x20 8x30 8x40 8x50 8x60 8x60

Front raise:
8x10 8x10 8x12.5 8x12.5

Lunges (bb) (1 rep = 1 each leg)
8x30 8x30 8x30

Military press:
8x20 8x20 10x20

Calf raises:
20x60 8x70 12x80 8x85 20x90

Pretty pleased with my shoulder numbers, they're improving. Calf raises we're fun, and I think it's also good practice for walking out and stabilising the weight for doing heavier squats. I could have gone heavier tbh, but got hungry!

Heavier squats are definitely on the way as I am just easing my way in. My target for the end of the year was 3x8x80 for squats, but I think that is going to be easy, so I think that's my target for the end of September instead.
5/3/1 - Week 3, Shedlifts

Back's been painful all week and only managed 2 on my + set for deadlifts so gave up and went home. Nice improvement of -7.5k and -3 reps in a month.

Seated Barbell Shoulder Press 5/3/1

72.5 x 5
82.5 x 3
92.5 x 7

Deficit Deadlifts 5/3/1
152.5 x 5
172.5 x 3
192.5 x 2

No inclination to do this routine anymore because it's wrecked my back and my love for the gym. Couldn't wait for a reason to leave tonight.
No inclination to do this routine anymore because it's wrecked my back and my love for the gym. Couldn't wait for a reason to leave tonight.
Definately not a good sign mate!

Take 7-10 days off from the gym, don't lift a sodding thing. Give HST a whirl, that routine is fantastic for raising enthusiasm in the gym. Worlds apart from that 5/3/1 malarky everyone is so obsessed about.
Won't be giving up with 5/3/1, LiE's living proof that some variants work, I just won't be going back to Boring But Big. Might be my age, might be the fact I've suffered from all sorts of lower back problems throughout my life but 5 sets of 10 for sqauts and deadlifts is not for me.

Gonna eat my reserve stash of Easter Eggs to make me feel happy again :o
Managed a 170kg lift on Deadlifts tonight, quite pleased with that considering how far into the prep I am, also managed 150kg for 8, so I was surprised I only managed 1 of 170

Plus, it was dead in the gym tonight, just me and one other :D love it. Love training in the evenings so far
PK you'll love Triumvirate. You can focus hard on the 531 lift, then do 2 assistance exercises you enjoy.

Steedie, doing a fair bit of volume before doing a heavy lift isn't really conducive to getting the most out of the heavier stuff. If you structured things differently you'd get a fair amount of reps at 170.
I know but I'm not aiming to go as heavy as I possibly can right now really, I still aim to do a lot of volume

For example tonight I did

80kg x 12
100kg x 10
130kg x 10
150kg x 8 (at this point I'd normally do a drop set but fancied a big lift for the fun of it)
170kg x 1
120kg x 15
I know :) <3

Only reason I thought I'd be able to do more is 150kg is relatively easy, those 8 reps were a "comfortable" struggle if that makes sense lol so I thought I'd at least be able to manage 3-4

Next deadlifting session I might just start at 170 :)
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