*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Theres practically no skin and it hasn't healed properly yet =P Well can't find the other glove so looks like I'll just be chalking up :(

Took one of those caffine shots which I got in a bundle from MP and I am really buzzing can't wait to start!

The big problem is my right bicep looks more defined and a little bigger than my left but still has the same strength as I do it all with a straight bar or the wavy one. xD Maybe its just the light.
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Ok, to be fair, more calous' that are forming. They're already forming from when I ride the bike, so might just let them form up anyway...

Now have a 50kg Dumbell set for home. Should be nice :)

i feel much more manly and alpha since i took my gloves off. lifting without gloves is at least 10% more anabolic too.

While i'm here, can i trouble you gents for a quick form check? i had one of my squat but it's upside down :(

I can critique better than I can DL.

Your bum comes down way too soon, then stops when you seem to hit yours knees.

Also slooooooooooooooooooow down, dropping the weight after lifting it up is just cheating, feel teh neggy pain on the way down! :D
That's really interesting, I haven't seen anyone drop their bum like that before.

Personally I wouldn't hang around too long on the negative. If you are lifting heavy that is a good way to injure yourself. Take time with RDL though.
Deadlifts - 60kgx8 80kgx8 100kgx8 100kgx8 100kgx6

Tried out my straps for the last set because my grip was going, they didn't seem to help much although i couldn't get them very tight so need to try again.

Could only manage 6,4,3 on pullups after that :(
thanks guys, that gives me something to work from. It was nice to see myself on video and that i'm not doing anything cripplingly awful, even if it isnt right :)
This might sound really patronising, but it isn't meant to.

Did you feed the straps under the bar and then twist it to get tension?
Good session for me tonight. Same exercises as last Friday; deadlift, speed bench, shoulder press, pullups and GHRs but added one handed deadlifts at the end. Worked up to 5 reps at 85kg and could've gone far heavier. Should be able to lift over half of my normal deadlift PB for reps in a few weeks :o
I'm really enjoying using the stronglifts 5x5 app. I've just finished session 8 and really feel like I'm making progress.
Chalk is just... AMAZING! Put it on and did 3x5 pull ups then started on 1x5 115kg found it a lot easyer that doing 110kg on monday as I had to keep regripping half way through the set but with the chalk I was able to grip the bar no problem! :D So I upped the weight to 120kg and did another 4 sets, just couldn't get that last rep on the last set :(

Think my form was ok as I got a good view and kept my head up but once I was finished my legs were pretty sore but the muscles on either side of my spine starting about midway up my back up to my shoulder blades were burning and so pumped, I couldn't walk properly lol just felt weride as I've never had a pump like that in my back like before.
Don't know if it was the caffine and thermo tabs helped me have so much energy and sweat so much but I loved it most energy I've had in the gym ever! :) Not even hungry after the gym like usal (just had my normal shake) drinking loads of water tho as its made me thirsty.

Only 17kg to go untill im repping 2x my body weight then test my one rep max again, see what I can do :) After that I'm going to focus more on my squat for a few months as its not good compared to my bench and deadlift :)
I'm really enjoying using the stronglifts 5x5 app. I've just finished session 8 and really feel like I'm making progress.

Snap, I've did my 8th workout last night and doing my 9th tomorrow. It's feeling good so far, good to have a definate plan to follow, it doesn't take long and it keeps things simple.

I only started on really low weights (20 Squat / Bench - 30 Overhead - 40 Deadlift). Obviously that has increased now but I do feel I could be pushing more on the bench and maybe the squats as well, was very tempted to add some more reps or even exercises to it but decided to stick at it till I'm not gaining anymore and then mess about with it.

How you finding it so far mate?
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