*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I had some mega DOMS after yesterdays beating so I had a nice short session with about 25-30mins rolling and about 15 mins each of rowing machine doing 250 intervals (light) and a spinner. I feel awesome now, a good endorphin buzz from it but it was very sweaty. I can recommend that kind of format for use as a recovery day, feels good man :p.
yeah, i dont consider myself anywhere above intermediate at best, my lifts are average for a gym goer natty or not, its a fine line tho before average lifts become above average. I think most trainers with dedication would reach where i am now, its where you go beyond that level that matters.

My own opinion is that an OHP of 100Kg bench of 120kg squat of 150 and dead of 200kg, is just about the starting point for a gym goer to be out of that 'beginner' phase. To some degree i think this is bodyweight irrelevant too, these are about the weights where the body is under pressure from the sheer mass. 150KG on my back still feels damn heavy despite the fact i can rep it with some comfort. A 120 bench still feels strenuous to take off the catchers despite it being close to a warm up weight. These weights are all at or above the typical human bodyweight give or take around 10kg's and at this point the ability to move them becomes about something else, something the body is not programmed from birth to ever do. Once you exceed this natural barrier, imo, you move into the intermediate class. Not until you are in the competitive weights range of 50% or so more weight do i feel you class as advanced. Thats my rating anyway.

Where would you put me UE? Beginner/intermediate

100kg bench 120kg squat and 190kg dead lift-67kg BW

I would say probably still in my beginner stage as I've only been lifting since November of last year. Dead lift was my favorite lift and I've gave it my all every session but im always learning something new. I wouldn't class myself better untill I managed a 2xbw squat :D Can't wait to start squatting like I deadlift! =P
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Where would you put me UE? Beginner/intermediate

100kg bench 120kg squat and 190kg dead lift-67kg BW

I would say probably still in my beginner stage as I've only been lifting since November of last year. Dead lift was my favorite lift and I've game it every session but im always learning something new. I wouldn't class myself better untill I managed a 2xbw squat :D Can't wait to start squatting like I deadlift! =P

yeah you're getting towards intermediate for sure touching distance even. Remember in the iron game its important to stay humble. The bigger you are the more respect you need to have, the stronger you are the stronger you need to be in mind and body. I think it was Confucius (or some other oft misquoted intellectual, i dont believe it was Socrates thats just bill and ted talking) who said, "The only true knowledge is in knowing that you know nothing", whoever said it, it remains true and the day you forget that as a lifter is the day you stop succeeding as one.
yeah you're getting towards intermediate for sure touching distance even. Remember in the iron game its important to stay humble. The bigger you are the more respect you need to have, the stronger you are the stronger you need to be in mind and body. I think it was Confucius (or some other oft misquoted intellectual, i dont believe it was Socrates thats just bill and ted talking) who said, "The only true knowledge is in knowing that you know nothing", whoever said it, it remains true and the day you forget that as a lifter is the day you stop succeeding as one.

Yeah, lifting is all in the mind. When you are just about to do the lift you can't say to yourself you are going to fail because you will! :D

Tonight went well. Got a shot at the farmers walk that came in and its a beast! 86kg dry and perfectly balanced. Feels pretty good too, I'll try and get a picture of it tomorrow.

Also managed to log press 80kg today :D Couldn't just get that 85 up but I'm going to get it next week or im not leaving =P Followed on to do a few more heavy singles then 5x10@40kg(log) using no leg at all and my shoulders are now dead. :)
Well firstly that lay out would be for 4x5 not 5x5. You don't include you warmup in the set count.

Then you can do more things on top of the primary movement for that day. For example if you are squatting why don't you throw in some core work after along with some over head stuff and maybe some arms if you are so inclined.

Also don't do stronglifts for more than about 3 months. It's not a very good routine unless you are an absolute beginner, and make sure you start out on the lightest weight.

Actually 3 months is kind of pulled out of my ass, just make sure when you are adding weight you form doesn't degrade. If you haven't been able to move the target weight for more that two attempts, either, stop and try a new program, or, stop and take the weight down 10-20% and start the progression again.

oops yeh I missed off the last set, which would add another 3 mins making it 16m total and that is if you stick to the 2min rest thing which i do but I know a lot who dont.

I am not a beginner just starting out so I think I'll give stronglifts a miss, it sounds like it only works because it is for beginners, and lets be honest ANY lifting routine is going to work for a beginner isn't it.

I think I'll go with my planned 4 - 6 rep regime.

Is there any science behind number of sets per exercise you can offer ?
ie should I go 3 sets or stick to my 4 ?
should I do 3 compound exercises per major muscle group or 2 ?

So 1.30hr isnt a problem?

I was pretty knacked after all of that. Was shattered after leg press and OHP to be honest, I gave everything I had and was spent.

Will the leg press help me put mass on my legs? They are pretty tiny....

Yeah that's fine, as long as you are working hard :). I am guilty of having 5 hour sessions in the past :eek:, oops.

Yeah leg press will work, so will the other leg exercises ;).

oops yeh I missed off the last set, which would add another 3 mins making it 16m total and that is if you stick to the 2min rest thing which i do but I know a lot who dont.

I am not a beginner just starting out so I think I'll give stronglifts a miss, it sounds like it only works because it is for beginners, and lets be honest ANY lifting routine is going to work for a beginner isn't it.

I think I'll go with my planned 4 - 6 rep regime.

Is there any science behind number of sets per exercise you can offer ?
ie should I go 3 sets or stick to my 4 ?
should I do 3 compound exercises per major muscle group or 2 ?


I would be inclined to give 531 a go. I'm not saying that your routine won't work but 531 will definitely work and it is incredibly easy to do. You can even get an app for it :cool:.

What is your primary goal, are you looking to get bigger or stronger, or are you not fussed either way.
oops yeh I missed off the last set, which would add another 3 mins making it 16m total and that is if you stick to the 2min rest thing which i do but I know a lot who dont.

I am not a beginner just starting out so I think I'll give stronglifts a miss, it sounds like it only works because it is for beginners, and lets be honest ANY lifting routine is going to work for a beginner isn't it.

I think I'll go with my planned 4 - 6 rep regime.

Is there any science behind number of sets per exercise you can offer ?
ie should I go 3 sets or stick to my 4 ?
should I do 3 compound exercises per major muscle group or 2 ?


Stronglifts is actually 3 workouts per session:

Workout A
Squat 5x5
Bench Press 5x5
Barbell Rows 5x5

Workout B
Squats 5x5
Overhead Press 5x5
Deadlift 1x5

Although as Djom said, there is Wendler 531, which there a few people on and also a spreadsheet you can get a hold of that you basically put in your 1RM's and it calculates the whole programme for you :)
So 1.30hr isnt a problem?

I was pretty knacked after all of that. Was shattered after leg press and OHP to be honest, I gave everything I had and was spent.

Will the leg press help me put mass on my legs? They are pretty tiny....

1 hour 30 is fine, I tend to do 2 hours, sometimes pushing towards 3 depending on if I take full rest breaks between sets (2 mins) or if I stick extra cardio on the end. I'd say under two and it's fine really, depends on the individual.

And yes, leg press will put some mass on, but you'll want to find new ways of stimulating the muscle eventually otherwise it will get used to the motion I believe...So do pyramid sets from time to time, or plus sets, whatever.

did you do reverse lunges as well? How did they go?
I look forward to seeing you crying on the floor.


Going to be doing my heaviest working deadlift set tonight, will have to see how the back feels, it just wants to click at the moment and the roller didn't do it this morning
Needs to figure out what to do for the working set...I've been doing triples purely so I don't overload my back at the moment, do you think this will be good enough?

I did 4 sets of 3 last week...So 3 reps per set might not be enough as the 4th set was just extra
delvis what you doing exactly ? as i mix up what im doing first sometimes if i feel iv over cooked something the session before so i can get a full work out on the weaker section.
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