*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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delvis what you doing exactly ? as i mix up what im doing first sometimes if i feel iv over cooked something the session before so i can get a full work out on the weaker section.

I screwed my back up back in February and it's been a bit borky ever since.

Slowly added deadlifts in and squats again. I'm training in the hypertrophy range (probably said that wrong, but you get the idea) just I don't think it's a good idea to be doing sets of 8 at the moment on it.
rather than lifting heavy try just the bar and do a few high rep sets just to see how it feels, if its still the same get back to the docs just to be safe.
rather than lifting heavy try just the bar and do a few high rep sets just to see how it feels, if its still the same get back to the docs just to be safe.

Heh, it's been like this since March mate on and off :p

Went to the docs originally and they said it was nothing serious (as I could essentially still do everything, legs still operated fine etc) went to a physio and did a few session and got a few rehab exercises, and it's not at this stage, just a dull to painful ache. I'm normally fine by the time I get to the gym, just wondered if I should keep the reps low still :)

Probably will go back to the docs soon, problem is they'll just tell me not to lift again. That and they're pretty naff, I'd like a scan of some sort personally to put my mind at rest.
i know what you mean with off and on pains and docs. try a few light high rep sessions see how it goes though if it reacts the same with low weight get back to the docs and demand a scan, if they say you dont need one see a different doc. theres one of our local gp's who seems to be able to tell whats up with joints without scans.
You could go light and do some explosive bar humping.

I guess. Just annoys me a bit, all I want to do is train and I can't. Yet you get these numpties apparently doing good mornings and deadlifts yet can bend over 180degress with no issues.

Whats more annoying, is there's essentially nothing wrong with my back according to the GP and the physio. So why the hell is there pain! Atleast if there was some actualy damage I'd know what I'm dealing with :)
i know what you mean with off and on pains and docs. try a few light high rep sessions see how it goes though if it reacts the same with low weight get back to the docs and demand a scan, if they say you dont need one see a different doc. theres one of our local gp's who seems to be able to tell whats up with joints without scans.

Like I say, I've been doing deadlifts for a while now, and I kept them light originally, I don't tend to get pain doing the lifts...It tends to be like now for instance while I'm sat down doing nothing
Bit gutted :(. I thought I had my recomp diet bang on, been sat between 78.1 & 78.3 for 6 weeks on the trot with strength slowly increasing.
This is 3000 on workout days and 2000kcals on rest days. NOTHING has changed this week but I'm up to 79.5 this morning! WTF!? endo4life
Bit gutted :(. I thought I had my recomp diet bang on, been sat between 78.1 & 78.3 for 6 weeks on the trot with strength slowly increasing.
This is 3000 on workout days and 2000kcals on rest days. NOTHING has changed this week but I'm up to 79.5 this morning! WTF!? endo4life

Be sure to check any and all supps that might have a chance of containting creatine or other silly things.

Also get eating some asparagus and plenty of prunes, could be a blockage :p
heh this is a monster breakfast

Dwayne Johnson ‏@TheRock
Post AM cardio breakfast: 10oz steak, eggs & my lion size bowl of oatmeal. Devoured.. #TopOfTheFoodChain
Like I say, I've been doing deadlifts for a while now, and I kept them light originally, I don't tend to get pain doing the lifts...It tends to be like now for instance while I'm sat down doing nothing

I've had random pains in my lower back as well, what made it even more bloody confusing was that they only appeared when I wasn't deadlifting. :D
After a while I discovered that it was just excessive Anterior Pelvic Tilt, foam rolling and strengthening the lower abs made it much better.
Like I say, I've been doing deadlifts for a while now, and I kept them light originally, I don't tend to get pain doing the lifts...It tends to be like now for instance while I'm sat down doing nothing

I used to have terrible back pain, strangely when i was just laying down flat doing nothing, anyway long story short, over the years my core got stronger and the pain went away. Its like the pain is only there when there is no tension on the muscles?
1 hour 30 is fine, I tend to do 2 hours, sometimes pushing towards 3 depending on if I take full rest breaks between sets (2 mins) or if I stick extra cardio on the end. I'd say under two and it's fine really, depends on the individual.

And yes, leg press will put some mass on, but you'll want to find new ways of stimulating the muscle eventually otherwise it will get used to the motion I believe...So do pyramid sets from time to time, or plus sets, whatever.

did you do reverse lunges as well? How did they go?

Reverse lunges went well enough. I was only using 8kg dumbell to do them, try and get form and balance right first.

I take it the aim is to stretch the leg back quick far, and then get a bend in the knee.

As for leg press, Im doing it right form the bottom, to get the most range of motion, so at the bottom of the movement its almost like a squat. Currently pressing 90kg, is over the last few weeks is getting easier.

I tried 100kg last time, but failed on the second set, not enough energy/strength in the tank.

My OHP is going well for the moment. seem to be going up 2.5kg a week so far... (although I only managed 10kg yesterday), but it was the heaviest I'v pressed.


My arms where aching from just carrying the dumbells for the lunges and step ups etc... was an arm workout in its self.
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Good to hear about the reverse lunges Opeth :)

Might be worth looking at Bulgarian split squats too, confirm with icecold and co though just incase

I used to have terrible back pain, strangely when i was just laying down flat doing nothing, anyway long story short, over the years my core got stronger and the pain went away. Its like the pain is only there when there is no tension on the muscles?

It's just daft man. I think I did it either squatting or during my back workout, I supersetted BOR's with bent over side raises and it just got insane lower back pump...That was February.

We shall see
Was one of you horrible lot in the Fitness First at Holborn Circus/Chancery Lane last night? Pretty sure it was one of the guys from the muscleworks meet, but as I didn't actually train with you guys I couldn't remember who it was - and I was just getting started as you were finishing off and I didn't notice you leave until you had gone :p
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