*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Good to hear about the reverse lunges Opeth :)

Might be worth looking at Bulgarian split squats too, confirm with icecold and co though just incase

It's just daft man. I think I did it either squatting or during my back workout, I supersetted BOR's with bent over side raises and it just got insane lower back pump...That was February.

We shall see

The Bulgarian split squats look, good. But I think I need to have some strenght in the quads inorder to stabalise my knee joints, before I embark on doing anything too fancy.

After maybe 3-4 months, I can say take out step ups and try something a bit more challenging.

Then a massive maybe after about a year of solid work, I can try a squat again.

Im just hoping that haveing stronger leg muscles will help with the pain I feel in my knee joint. But I am rather pessimistic. But at this point in time I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Also the way I look at it, I will have to live with this (these) knees, untill my last day on this earth, so I might as well make it stronger and live with it.

But the good news is I can see in the mirror already changes. Im doing quite a lot of stuff, 3x weights and 4x swimming, so somethings got to happen!!
The only inspiration I need is the ladies. :p

Also so you don't end up like this in years to come

Delvis, the rate in which your post count goes up alarms me :eek:

Why? I enjoy contributing...well, that's what I like to think that I do :p

Delvis, did I miss something; I thought you were back to doing Deadlifts and Squats fine now?

I am, just I'm wondering what route I should take with deadlifts with regards to reps / sets due to my back issue. More than liekly keep reps low on deads, squats I appear to be okay with I think for higher reps.
Stronglifts is actually 3 workouts per session:

Workout A
Squat 5x5
Bench Press 5x5
Barbell Rows 5x5

Workout B
Squats 5x5
Overhead Press 5x5
Deadlift 1x5

Although as Djom said, there is Wendler 531, which there a few people on and also a spreadsheet you can get a hold of that you basically put in your 1RM's and it calculates the whole programme for you :)

Aha, stronglifts actually makes more sense now.
I am going to go with my regime for about 6 - 8 weeks then I'll see how I feel at the end of that if I continue with it or swap it for something else.
the reason being I have just found a proper training partner for the first time in 3 years, I have trained a few sessions with this guy and we definitely both train better together, the only negative is he can't make the gym until 7 - 7:30 whereas normally I would get there for 6. He trains a more traditional 3 day split.
Monday - Chest/Biceps
Wednesday - back/triceps
Friday - Back/Shoulders.

Mine is exactly the same apart form his Wednesday is my Friday and vice versa, so all I have to do is swap my Friday regime with Wednesday (which to be fair is how I used to do it a few months ago)
Going to start with him on Monday all being well.
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Was one of you horrible lot in the Fitness First at Holborn Circus/Chancery Lane last night? Pretty sure it was one of the guys from the muscleworks meet, but as I didn't actually train with you guys I couldn't remember who it was - and I was just getting started as you were finishing off and I didn't notice you leave until you had gone :p

Was it some bicep moneky supersetting dips with various curls? :D
Why? I enjoy contributing...well, that's what I like to think that I do :p

I am, just I'm wondering what route I should take with deadlifts with regards to reps / sets due to my back issue. More than liekly keep reps low on deads, squats I appear to be okay with I think for higher reps.

What are you doing at the moment with Deadlifts in terms of set x reps and has it been any issue? If not, then I'd carry on with it.
Just triples as of late, but I was wondering if I should go to sets of 5 or anything...I ended up doing an extra triple set last week as I wasn't pooped enough. But that could just indicate I should have gone heavier.

Theres no issue with deadlifting as such...It's just that my back is being a bit troublesome today, stupid thing
After Taekwondo yesterday I did some leg and shoulder work:


BB Squats: 70kgx5, 70kgx5, 80kgx5, 90kgx5, 100kgx5;
BB Calf Raises: 80kgx5 for 4 sets, 90kgx5;
BB SLDLs: 90kgx5 for 5 sets.
DB Goblet Squats: 40kgx5, 40kgx5, 42kgx5, 48kgx5, 48kgx5;


I didn't do my db step up lunges or lever calf raises because I figured the Taekwondo was a serious enough workout for my legs. I warmed up on some front squats, and I think I prefer these to my usual back squats.



DB Shoulder press: 2x12kgx8 for 3 sets;
Front/side DB raises: 2x5kgx8 for 3 sets;
Pinch-grip plate shrugs: 2x10kgx8, 2x10kgx8, 2x10kg+2x5kgx8;


Tonight I'm going to do some back/biceps work. My traps are starting to come through - although they can only be seen on my back, rather than the front (does that make sense :confused:). My legs have pretty much stayed the same throughout, with a clear split on the top but nothing really on the bottom. I would like to add a bit of definition to my calves though.

I also went from 75kg to 76.5kg in a week, so if I carry on eating just as well, I might get back up to my 77-78kg weight; hopefully whilst maintaining the level of definition I seem to have acquired. But we shall see.


Im starting to get hungrier as well now...

Also is it normal for my lower back to be sore form OHP?

That would incline you probably aren't keeping your core tight and activated, therefore you may have been compensating form by bending the lower back backwards.

Just keep an eye on it, and see if any of the guys here have a video that shows correct form.
without getting too technical the best way to "keep things is check" is to squeeze your cheeks, nomsayin?
As funny as it may sound it does work, lower back pain should not happen on the OHP with good form.
without getting too technical the best way to "keep things is check" is to squeeze your cheeks, nomsayin?
As funny as it may sound it does work, lower back pain should not happen on the OHP with good form.

I take it you mean but cheeks? :p

Also does any one else who goes gym after work, feel like they are arriving at work once they get to the gym?

It felt like I was arriving for my real job once I got to the gym!
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