*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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It is, but you will soon get bored of it because it won't happen quick enough.

I quite frequently feel like it's not worth it, because of the time it takes to achieve anything. All the time I just feel like everything's against me, my natural predisposition to being a fatty, people at work basically lol'ing at weight training, my girly hands giving me the grip strength of a wet towel etc. etc.

But then I remember the quote that actually got me started.

Earl Nightingale said:
Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.

Nail, Head.

In 3 years time, it's gonna be 3 years time no matter what I do. Might aswell do a bit now to make sure that in 3 years time, something worthwhile has occurred!
Thought you lads might enjoy this one.

I look forward to training later.

Didn't get a chance to get to training yesterday. Was busy all day as I had my Naturalisation Ceremony :D :D

Lmao :p

These boys are shredded!!
Oh, best squat session ever this lunch time.

Gym - dead. Perfect :D
60kg on the bar, lets get some warm ups done... 1 set. Great.
Some nice looking little female trainer comes over to clear the area up of DBs and unused plates....
"wow you have big calves"
Now, this is where things go wrong. Getting back under the bar has left my mind and my mouth opens.
20 mins later, "oh, I best let you get on with your workout as your in your lunch break"
take plates off bar, pick up towel, go get changed.


Look, dude - you've completely skipped the normal key stage in men getting those admiring glances, and you're complaining? :D

I only ever get guys coming up to me... :( :o
Saw that earlier too on Facebook, horrific :(

Have had a good week this week, 3 days full on at the gym and taking a break tonight before starting at a new gym in Southampton tomorrow, hope its not a disappointment...!
Have upped most weight by at least 2-5kg so happy with that :)
The biggest change has been shoulders, for months I have been struggling, getting constant rotator cuff pain during all workouts, researching stuff constantly online and the thing I have found that has helped the most.... Face pulls, after only 3 weeks of incorporating them into my workout I have been able to up most of the weight 5kg, dont sound like much but it feels like a massive imporvement to me, 40kg OHP used to be a killer but this week 45kg felt like I was not pushing enough, and this was after 3 sets of seated shoulder presse's, going to go for 50KG next week...
And back up to 100kg squats last night, going to stick to that next week and work on getting them deeper :)
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how on earth do you drop it...

Like this:

Suicide grip :eek:

Worst spotters...

Totally this, the guy nearest (so on his right shoulder) wasn't even following the bar, he was just standing there =/


Final session at DW today, banged out some deads, need more strength quite frankly. Back should have some nice DOMS tomorrow, can't wait.

Bye bye DW :( It's been a good four weeks, with some increased working sets, two new 1RM's and lots of hot booty to look at downstairs.

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