*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Did anyone hear on Radio 1 today that squatting is to be banned in England? This will completely ruin my routine, anyone know what I can replace squats with?

Edit: actually, I don't even squat any more


Only two weeks of abstinence to go....
Congrats on the PBs! Big beast numbers.

Thanks! Things are feeling great at the moment. I hope I can still carry this on back in London. Due to our (myself and my usual training partners) schedules, I end up training on my own a lot of the time.
important question is when do you get a prescription pad ;) (or is it not that kind of Dr? lol)


But seriously...
What is the craziest/unsocial time you've been to the gym? I'm on my way right now and it's 21:33 on a Saturday night. Apart from proving beyond all doubt I have no social life, this is about the weirdest hour I've ever been to the gym.
What is the craziest/unsocial time you've been to the gym? I'm on my way right now and it's 21:33 on a Saturday night. Apart from proving beyond all doubt I have no social life, this is about the weirdest hour I've ever been to the gym.

Half 12 once as I couldn't sleep. Had done a gym sesh that morning. Loved it, never got in till about 2am!
I've been in the gym at 2am.
Good times :)

Events today:
Max Strict log, clean then strict press: 95kg - happy with this, should mean my normal log press has gone up.

Max log clean, just clean the log to rack position: 120kg. Almost got 130kg.
Overloading the clean is good, as getting used to heavier cleans means your normal clean will become effortless.

Arm over arm can pull, >2 ton transit (no idea what weight of the crap in the back) up a slight hill 10 metres: 2 goes at this, 26 secs and .... 20 secs.
Have arm over arm in next comp, 20m up a hill - vauxhall Astra. Sweet, should be much easier than the transit!

Hercules hold: 2 oly bars jammed into feet, 80kg each ish falling away to side. Sounds good, looks good, far too light. Was **** though as the weights wanted to go forwards and backwards rather than down to side only. So we didn't add more weight, will find a better way to do it.

Seated bar pull, 2 people grab a bar over a sleeper and try to pull the other person over.
Good fun this, but it's too easy for one to get a better position than the other. Getting the sweet spot where you start equal makes for a good round :)
Poo? Its practically the same thing. Have a read up online for tips, plenty of suggestions, most just say static chins or holds or farmers walks etc

It's poo because it's not good to watch. It would make for a rubbish event.
Really don't need to look for other suggestions lol, we wanted to build a HH that falls away like you would see in a decent comp.

We weren't thinking 'let's train grip', as yes there are hundreds of ways to do that :)
I'm so damn happy, a few days ago I managed to do a 120kg deadlift @ 60kg bodyweight! 2x bodyweight was a mini milestone and I finally got it after almost 3 months training!

When I started a few months ago I could barely do 50kg! haha

Back/Biceps/Traps today so I'm going to try and repeat that lift and go for 125kg. Bring it on!!!

Also bringing back my calories from a 500 surplus to 400 since I think I'm gaining a bit more fat that I want. Instead of doing the traditional bulk then cut I'm going to do a long steady bulk at a minor calorie surplus.

Target is to put on 15-20 pounds of muscle by next Christmas 2013 (if we're still here!) :p
Dropping 100kcal a day won't make any difference tbh.

Also, 400kcal more than normal probably won't help you reach that sort of mass gain.
Remember by doing weights you are burning more kcals during exercise and post workout and additional lean mass means a higher kcals burned each day as standard.
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Yeah we've got 1 landmine but it's fully mobile rather than working on a single plane.
1 of the blokes I train with is going to make 2 then we'll stick them on a railway sleeper. Perfect :)
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