I've been in the gym at 2am.
Good times
Events today:
Max Strict log, clean then strict press: 95kg - happy with this, should mean my normal log press has gone up.
Max log clean, just clean the log to rack position: 120kg. Almost got 130kg.
Overloading the clean is good, as getting used to heavier cleans means your normal clean will become effortless.
Arm over arm can pull, >2 ton transit (no idea what weight of the crap in the back) up a slight hill 10 metres: 2 goes at this, 26 secs and .... 20 secs.
Have arm over arm in next comp, 20m up a hill - vauxhall Astra. Sweet, should be much easier than the transit!
Hercules hold: 2 oly bars jammed into feet, 80kg each ish falling away to side. Sounds good, looks good, far too light. Was **** though as the weights wanted to go forwards and backwards rather than down to side only. So we didn't add more weight, will find a better way to do it.
Seated bar pull, 2 people grab a bar over a sleeper and try to pull the other person over.
Good fun this, but it's too easy for one to get a better position than the other. Getting the sweet spot where you start equal makes for a good round