*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Hey, looking for some advice if anyones done the same as me.

I'm currently doing Insanity. I'm about to hit my week 3. In the videos they suggest a 'recovery drink' after every workout, i haven't been using anything except water and orange/blackcurrent squash.

On some days i have to do 2 seperate workouts. Is it best to do these close together? or do one say in the morning and one in the evening?

Would purchasing the recovery drink help a lot? or would something else surffice (a cheaper option)?

- Luke
Cheaper option for a 'recovery' drink is high G.I carb drink.

I use whey protien and dextrose will cost you about £60 for 5kgs of both. If your only using it as a recovery drink it will last for ages!
Nice bacne there!

How on earth is that meant to be a 1 arm row? More like a 1 arm DB deadlift.
Movement in the shoulder and flexion of the elbow is surely significant part of a db row, of which neither seemed evident :(

How heavy is the DB? Couldn't make out what the bloke was saying.
Nice bacne there!

How on earth is that meant to be a 1 arm row? More like a 1 arm DB deadlift.
Movement in the shoulder and flexion of the elbow is surely significant part of a db row, of which neither seemed evident :(

How heavy is the DB? Couldn't make out what the bloke was saying.

I do agree. Couldnt work out what body part he was trying to hit with that movement.
Nice bacne there!

How on earth is that meant to be a 1 arm row? More like a 1 arm DB deadlift.
Movement in the shoulder and flexion of the elbow is surely significant part of a db row, of which neither seemed evident :(

How heavy is the DB? Couldn't make out what the bloke was saying.

Disregard form
Acquire cell tech
Acquire mass
Progress report.

Getting stronger and stronger, and slowly increasing weights week on week.

The weights side of the equation is going well and I’m confident will continue to make progress. I get the impression, with weights, its just all about being consistent, putting the work in and always trying to lift heavier than before, even if its only a little bit heavier.


That’s the good stuff covered, now on to losing the belly fat I seem to carry around with me.

Been doing the swimming for about 4 weeks now. So far, I cant say I have seen much change in the amount of fat I carry. I have upped my swimming sessions to 45mins from 30, so hopefully will burn more calories now.

Does feel like an upper body workout however, but due to bad knees got no choice.

People have told me before that my diet includes too much bread. OK, I understand that, but I find 2 bits of brown bread with low fat mayo or some butter and a chicken breast just to be so convenient, when I need some pre gym food.

Is there anything else I can substitute it with, which is as convenient and will provide me with the energy when I’m in need during my weights session??

Also in terms of time, what’s a realistic amount of time, before I can start making judgements about whether or not all this swimming is having an effect in my fat %?
How many lengths are you swimming and what stroke?

Not sure how many lengths im swimming, I dont count them, but I do try to swim as much as I can in the 45mins, whislt minimising rest time.

I usually do two lengths front crawl, then a little rest repeat... sometimes, so Im not resting too much I breast stroke to recover, then go back to front crawl.
Not sure how many lengths im swimming, I dont count them, but I do try to swim as much as I can in the 45mins, whislt minimising rest time.

I usually do two lengths front crawl, then a little rest repeat... sometimes, so Im not resting too much I breast stroke to recover, then go back to front crawl.

With no measure of how much you do or how fast, you run a very real risk of doing too little, dont make the mistake of thinking that just exercising will actually lead to weight loss, i know a lot of overweight joggers who can jog their 4 mile route REALLY well! The problem is they have become super efficient and burn a fraction of the calories i would if i went and jogged the same route at the same pace. Log your lengths and make sure you do at least 1 more every session
531 cycle 2 tomorrow, also the start of my 3 times per week treadmill interval sprints to bring up my conditioning.
Not sure how many lengths im swimming, I dont count them, but I do try to swim as much as I can in the 45mins, whislt minimising rest time.

I usually do two lengths front crawl, then a little rest repeat... sometimes, so Im not resting too much I breast stroke to recover, then go back to front crawl.

As UE said, that means nothing really.
When I was noticing the most change from swimming I was trying to hit 100 lengths (25m pool) in an hour.
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