*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Whey and creatine...

It's ok though the way it reads on the site it we can have as much protein as we like as long as we get it from "natural" sources such as chicken and eggs, not that evil magic protein powder.
"Although he still takes protein and creatine gym supplements he says he has cut down from seven to four shakes a day."

ROFL! Who needs food, eh?
"Although he still takes protein and creatine gym supplements he says he has cut down from seven to four shakes a day."

ROFL! Who needs food, eh?

SEVEN! Fuark, I'd love to see someone manage that with casein. It's weird how people see protein shakes as 'taking' something. Also why the hell are kids using it bulk up! I only really use it when cutting because it's hard to fit macros etc. in to restricted calories, it's bloody easy to hit 150+grams when bulking because you can actually eat!
just wow.
Ok, he was turning into an idiot, no mention of what he felt was actually causing the problem though.
Stupid article.

They've obviously tacked that bit onto the article to demonise protein supplements for whatever reason, because a quick skim read by the general public and they'll just put the "Idiot turns into bigger idiot and needs an excuse" and the use of protein supplements together.
They've obviously tacked that bit onto the article to demonise protein supplements for whatever reason, because a quick skim read by the general public and they'll just put the "Idiot turns into bigger idiot and needs an excuse" and the use of protein supplements together.

Yep. being mentioned near "i now only take 4 shakes a day" makes it seem like 7 caused anger!!!11111 1RAAAAHHHHhh

Nice little write up FF :)

I am ramping up to my bulk now, over a period so that i dont shock the body.

Went from 1.8k to 2k last week and actually lost weight still. Now going to 2.3k this week, where i will stay for 3-4 weeks to see how my body reacts, if i still lose weight/ maintain i will slowly up the cals until i am gaining weight again.

I am aiming for 1.5lb gain per month max so trying to aim for a really clean bulk and want to see the gains in the mirror and not the scales so much.
Damage to kidneys is a side effect of excessive protein it is a well researched and absolute phenomenon. However, mild ammonia saturation is not damaging if it's just on the threshold, and it varies on the size of the person, and on what the rest of their diet is like.

Toxicity happens when your body loses the ability to convert ammonia to urea and becomes saturated. As such the nitrogen from every extra g of protein stays in the body as as ammonia, which is toxic or a toxin to the body.

Apparently toxicity start around 160-200g a day of protein consumption. However I'm looking more into this, and how much body size/lean body mass/and so on affects this.

Obviously it's also about maintaining a good nitrogen balance in the body (nitrogen balance is dietary protein = metabolised protein basically). However it's going to vary - as I said, there are so many factors to take into consideration, some people are going to need x amount of g per kg, and others are going to need xx g per kilo - that's why I've always hated those generic "use x amount of protein per kg of body weight" as it's so variable. Also it depends if you're on a calorie deficit or not, if so you'll need more protein for balance (if you don't want to lose muscle mass) and less if not on a deficit.

Excess protein consumption isn't a lol-worthy comment - but it's also not as ridiculous as they state in that article.

I wonder whether upping leucine would help decrease the risk as it improves protein synthesis?? That should lower your nitrogen balance right? As from my research it would seem that a protein intake above 25% of what is need to get a nitrogen balance of zero would have no effect on muscle gain...

Oh this is all so complicated.

Eitherway, it's never been an issue for most of us as none of us are stupid enough to take anywhere near that much protein anyway.
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