*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Potentially.... but as I said it's not black and white as it depends on your age/metabolic rate/your diet/andprobablyaboutamillionotherthings.com

I'm not going to pretend to know the answer - a lot of my post was rhetoric and just thinking out loud and running past what I remembered from having read about it in the past....
Put it this way, my calories from protein are now only around 30% at the most with a main part of it being from fats, and the rest from carbs.

There's so much conflicting information... you just have to make up your own mind on it. :)

"Craig Dickinson is a Fitness Model. Craig is currently working toward his Personal Trainer qualifications. Craig has worked closely with a WBFF Pro to help develop his physique while being fuelled by PPS-Supplements."

Rofl, Steedie, when did you compete in the WBFF....?

Oh you didn't?

Awkward :X

Always forgotten about :(

"Craig Dickinson is a Fitness Model. Craig is currently working toward his Personal Trainer qualifications. Craig has worked closely with a WBFF Pro to help develop his physique while being fuelled by PPS-Supplements."

Rofl, Steedie, when did you compete in the WBFF....?

Oh you didn't?

Awkward :X

SEVEN! Fuark, I'd love to see someone manage that with casein. It's weird how people see protein shakes as 'taking' something. Also why the hell are kids using it bulk up! I only really use it when cutting because it's hard to fit macros etc. in to restricted calories, it's bloody easy to hit 150+grams when bulking because you can actually eat!

I tend to hit between 130g to 180g (pending on if it's an exercise day or not).

But that guy in the article, 7 shakes.... lol.
Good oil, great stuff but is there an alternative???

quite simply i dont shop in tesco, and i go past it very infrequently so its just a pain to go and get.

Suggestions from whats available at asda accepted :)
Good oil, great stuff but is there an alternative???

quite simply i dont shop in tesco, and i go past it very infrequently so its just a pain to go and get.

Suggestions from whats available at asda accepted :)

There's nothing like that available at my local Asda, personally I'd just go to Tesco and stock up it's not like it'll go off.
Well as the only one here who gets bloods done looking specifically at liver function and renal function, amongst other things, 240g on average per day + steroids + average quality diet + moderate alcohol with occasional 'session' all is working tip top, so far anyway.
I'm taking 190g of a day, which falls into the toxicity level?

The issue of protein toxicity is mainly a concern when a diet is not balanced, i.e. without sufficient fibre, carbs and fats.

The body is remarkably capable of dealing with excesses of all types, including prolonged excesses. The amount of protein that becomes toxic is not precisely known: the general rule of thumb is - as FreeFaller suggests - is around 200g/day.

Variables in this include:

- Size (lean mass);
- Exercise levels;
- Exercise type;
- Dietary balance (i.e. what else balances out the protein);
- Age (advancing age means the impact of protein supplementation over a regular diet are greater);

From what I've read, it would seem that bodybuilders/lifters will need somewhere around 100-125g/day (on average): I'll throw an additional 20% variability in there just because... excesses just disappear through your digestive system.

However, because an individual is USING more protein as part of their body's daily maintenance, the level of protein toxicity will be increased. This is why getting precise ANYTHING for the human body is very difficult without proper measurement.

In other words, keep your protein consumption below 200g/day and you probably won't have a problem. I'd personally aim for about 150g/day, simply for cost/benefit reasons, but that's just me.
The issue of protein toxicity is mainly a concern when a diet is not balanced, i.e. without sufficient fibre, carbs and fats.

The body is remarkably capable of dealing with excesses of all types, including prolonged excesses. The amount of protein that becomes toxic is not precisely known: the general rule of thumb is - as FreeFaller suggests - is around 200g/day.

Variables in this include:

- Size (lean mass);
- Exercise levels;
- Exercise type;
- Dietary balance (i.e. what else balances out the protein);
- Age (advancing age means the impact of protein supplementation over a regular diet are greater);

From what I've read, it would seem that bodybuilders/lifters will need somewhere around 100-125g/day (on average): I'll throw an additional 20% variability in there just because... excesses just disappear through your digestive system.

However, because an individual is USING more protein as part of their body's daily maintenance, the level of protein toxicity will be increased. This is why getting precise ANYTHING for the human body is very difficult without proper measurement.

In other words, keep your protein consumption below 200g/day and you probably won't have a problem. I'd personally aim for about 150g/day, simply for cost/benefit reasons, but that's just me.

Agreed. The human body is so complex, the variables change, and the body adapts. It could well be that with different shapes, activity, muscle mass, and diet profiles, one's body can adapt it's nitrogen balance upwards and downards to suit it's need. Still, taking 200g of protein a day is still a tremendous amount to be taking IMO. The effects also can take months if not years to manifest themselves.

I guess if you boost protein synthesis, and if it doesn't have the time to convert (i.e. being used elsewhere) then it's less of an issue, which is why naughty people like UE can potentially get away with it?

"Craig Dickinson is a Fitness Model. Craig is currently working toward his Personal Trainer qualifications. Craig has worked closely with a WBFF Pro to help develop his physique while being fuelled by PPS-Supplements."

Rofl, Steedie, when did you compete in the WBFF....?

Oh you didn't?

Awkward :X

Always forgotten about :(

I could hardly tell to use in my Bio Craig has worked closely with a WBFF Pro to help develop his physique and a member of OcuK - forum name Steedie.

It was mentioned in my thread i worked with a WBFF Pro for gym workouts.
I could hardly tell to use in my Bio Craig has worked closely with a WBFF Pro to help develop his physique and a member of OcuK - forum name Steedie.

It was mentioned in my thread i worked with a WBFF Pro for gym workouts.

I am more than happy for them to include Steedie in the information, i could not have asked for more when i needed the assitance, he give up his time and effort to help me. I provided them with a bunch of information based on some questions (worked with any big industry names etc) this is what they have put together.

This is actually the first time i am seeing that section as it has gone live today. At the moment i have 2 issues myself looking at that description.

1. They do not have the right to use that image, unless they include the photographers copyright - i have told them a number of times already (he has expressed this)

2. The change was not fuelled by their supplements, they are a new company !
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1. They do not have the right to use that image, unless they include the photographers copyright - i have told them a number of times already (he has expressed this)

2. The change was not fuelled by their supplements, they are a new company !

1 - they are taking the **** out of you (they = the forum members above lol) :P
2 - re image - take another one, simples :P
3 - no, you didn't build your image on their sups, but then neither did cutler on the countless crap that he "endorses" lol

You can try to be ethical about it, but there is no point in the long run :P
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