*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Sooo tired right now :(.

We stayed there all day because we had a friend lifting in the super heavies. However because it was a Sunday there was nowhere open to buy a post lifting feast from within any reasonable distance so we were up at 7 didn't really eat all day apart from the odd shake and beef jerky (best thing ever) and then didn't leave until after 10pm. Then had a 3 hour drive home, but luckily we found a 24hour Maccy Ds so we celebrated with that :p.

I'm sore all over, more from the being sat in uncomfortable chairs all day than the lifting.

Thanks for all the kind words chaps, I will repay them with videos when I get them all organised ;).

Some epic lifting and massive congratulations just on the reports alone! :eek:
Yeah it was a really great day, some seriously impressive lifting. Great atmosphere too, met some nice guys across weight classes.

It was interesting that some of the form of the juniors, who lifted in the morning, was pretty questionable, but the majority of the seniors was a master class of technique. Having said that, a guy in the 105s ended up in A&E and several people almost passed out/collapsed after their deadlifts!

There were some absolute monsters in the heavier weight classes, including our friend who is fast approaching a 800kg total :eek:

I think the winning total in the 83s was 690kg, so me getting close to 700kg is a nice target for getting back to fitness.
There were some absolute monsters in the heavier weight classes, including our friend who is fast approaching a 800kg total :eek:

I think the winning total in the 83s was 690kg, so me getting close to 700kg is a nice target for getting back to fitness.

Copulation. That's pretty scary stuff. 800kgs? :eek:
meh with the grip and strap. i've started using them more for stuff like pull downs and BORs etc, mostly because there is so much more that i am doing that rip my palms apart. So saving them where I can is essential :p
Anyone recommend any stretches / exercises for a possible pulled muscle or ligament in the leg?

I slipped whilst coming down the stairs at work yesterday and twisted my leg / knee now i have some pain like a badly pulled muscle at the back of my leg in the crease of the knee joint.

I can walk but only just, exceptionally painful when putting weight on that leg.
Anyone recommend any stretches / exercises for a possible pulled muscle or ligament in the leg?

I slipped whilst coming down the stairs at work yesterday and twisted my leg / knee now i have some pain like a badly pulled muscle at the back of my leg in the crease of the knee joint.

I can walk but only just, exceptionally painful when putting weight on that leg.

R.I.C.E. for starters?
Yea, i have also using a knew support which i've "borrowed" from my dad.

I'm hoping it's nothing major as i have to work tomorrow.
I mentioned previously that I had been neglecting upper body for some unknown reason so over the last few weeks I've ensured that I'm pushing hard on all exercises.

Tried a 1RM on BB Bench today and managed 65kg @ ~65kg bodyweight, I reckon I could squeeze a bit more if I had a spotter who could allow me to push a bit heavier without risking dropping the bar, don't think it would be more than 70kg though.

That puts me roughly around the boundary of novice/intermediate according to http://www.exrx.net/Testing/WeightLifting/BenchStandardsKg.html, does that sound about right?

Is 80kg 1rm by Christmas a reasonable target? 85/90?
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There is no evidence to support the use of ice or cold therapy, and complete rest is almost always a bad idea too.


Thanks for letting me know. :)

Dumb, as a quick google shows up:


Ask anyone and they will trot out the usual recipe of RICE meaning rest, ice, compression, and elevation. A mantra for musculoskeletal injury. Delve a little deeper and evidence becomes a little thin. Our patients often leave with verbal advice, perhaps even a leaflet suggesting RICE but how much do we really know about the effect of ice.


Insufficient evidence is available from randomized controlled trials to determine the relative effectiveness of RICE therapy for acute ankle sprains in adults.

Consider me spanked. :)

I learn something every day. :D
It's crazy that it's so widely recommended by professionals, it's hardly surprising that everyone thinks it's what we should be doing.

I wish I'd known about it ages ago :(
You're telling me.

Ice gets chucked all over the "injury recovery" advice in my extended family (cyclists, hockey players and me, the gym rat), because it's all we've ever been given.

Back to the NSAIDs, I guess (I'm going to find out they do sweet football association now...). :)
lol so you lot are into weightlifting at a high level and you somehow think that ANYTHING a health professional tells you is correct? LOL :D

Seriously tho, even GP's are just terrible for advice on anything of this nature.
Any recommendations for a foam roller?

Had a friend tell me today, you can eat as many calories you want as protein and you will still lose weight as long as you don't eat carbs! Really? I very, very much doubt it. He reckons he could even eat excess of 4k calories of protein is gaurnteed to lose weight. People read into diets too much.
lol so you lot are into weightlifting at a high level and you somehow think that ANYTHING a health professional tells you is correct? LOL :D

Seriously tho, even GP's are just terrible for advice on anything of this nature.
I don't, I just think it's a shame that the majority of the population don't get access to useful information.
Any recommendations for a foam roller?

Had a friend tell me today, you can eat as many calories you want as protein and you will still lose weight as long as you don't eat carbs! Really? I very, very much doubt it. He reckons he could even eat excess of 4k calories of protein is gaurnteed to lose weight. People read into diets too much.
Your friend sounds hilarious!

Also: http://www.amazon.co.uk/66fit-EPP-Foam-Roller-Black/dp/B004UQXIIG/
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