*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Isn't it akin to using NOS (nox?) in your car?

Can't be bothered to spend the time doing things properly so you just ***** money/resources on a short-term solution?

They be comin'!

Not even in that list, and people wonder why I want to juice :( foreversmall :(

In my defence I haven't actually seen any proper steedie pics! I have seen you leg sweep close up but that's about it :( your more then welcome to send me over some of your glute spread specials.

Also I have nothing against cycling, it's all dependant on what your goals are. However I have no respect for roid heads (plenty of them down the gym, you know the massive guys who cant deadlift 100kg lol) who use to shortcut there way to thinking they look betters but can't lift for toffee!
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I've been so tempted that I have a 12 week cycle, complete with PCT sitting in my desk drawer right now. And I'm talking the works.

In fact, I have dabbled.

What what?!

Yes natty's will be smaller, but only when side by side with juicers. Take LiE, Ice, FF for example. None of them would be considered small until they are placed next to someone who has been using.

This is so true. Sunday I was walking through the park when I was stopped by an old couple, the woman was shocked at the size of me and was asking if I go to the gym, when I mentioned I train for strongman the old man piped up that he was watching SCL that morning and was impressed with it.

When I said that I am considered very small compared to those on the telly they were surprised. Hell, even at Swindon's strongest novice/inters comp, I was small. People there were huge in comparison to me!

It's when you go stand next to people who really are big that you realise that people you think are big naturally really aren't.
We've got to remember that not everyone who cycles wants to be able to lift big ass weights, a lot of people especially the younger guys do it purely so they can look like they do.
Is that really any better or worse than the ones who do it so they can lift more?
We've got to remember that not everyone who cycles wants to be able to lift big ass weights, a lot of people especially the younger guys do it purely so they can look like they do.
Is that really any better or worse than the ones who do it so they can lift more?

To me it's a bit like owning a Ferrari with a 1.0 Vauxhall corsa engine in it. Again nothing wrong with people wanting to look big, but it does seem silly to me.
Isn't it akin to using NOS (nox?) in your car?

Can't be bothered to spend the time doing things properly so you just ***** money/resources on a short-term solution?

They be comin'!

Steroids are hardly a short term solution. NOS - immediate gain, no hard work at all.
Roids - no immediate gain, you still need to work bloody hard.
People forget this

The majority seem to think the second that first needle goes in, you gain 100lbs and quadruple your lifts

All the experts know this is only achieved by using the newest OTC supplement with the flashiest branding.
The noobs are more than welcome to their needles, I'll stick to my fruit punch flavoured mega anabolic awesome brocep pumping ballsack rub!

It's flavoured due to all the ladies you will obviously attract after using it.
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A lot of police are being drug tested (my company included) so they'll weed those guys out fairly quick I imagine.

Thing is, you just need to **** up what you're doing, and you're messing around with your body's systems... it's like a Mac, it doesn't want to me tweaked or modified. Sure, add a bigger harddrive or screen... but don't start fiddling with the bits that ties it all together.

Depends on what exactly they're tested for. We drug test weekly. But only for opioids and other recreational drugs, not PEDs. I'm not even sure that stuff such as Test can be tested for.
Depends on what exactly they're tested for. We drug test weekly. But only for opioids and other recreational drugs, not PEDs. I'm not even sure that stuff such as Test can be tested for.

Given it's not illegal, what could a company do about you being on steroids anyway?
Depends on what exactly they're tested for. We drug test weekly. But only for opioids and other recreational drugs, not PEDs. I'm not even sure that stuff such as Test can be tested for.

It can be but it's much more expensive than your regular **** test, so it only tends to be carried out where there is a very strong suspicion of use.

Given it's not illegal, what could a company do about you being on steroids anyway?

Depends on the companies drug policy I would imagine.
Monkee, you can do what you like buddy. But you know how we feel about it's users, and how certain members feel about the gains that are attained from it. If I told you what I had achieved to date was due to cycling, I'd bet most people would think less of my achievements.

Point is, I put in as much work as someone using, but I don't look as big or potentially lift as much. There lies the problem.
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