*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Frankly i couldn't give a **** about who juices and who doesn't. If their gains are respective of their natty/un natty state i respect that. If monkee cycles to work for 6 months and still looks like me then i will laugh until i **** blood, but somehow i don't see that happening :p
Forever looking like Skill :( Do I even lift? :p

But this is it, I'm going to hit the juice, but I'm going to be training like a banshee (as I always have) and being just as dedicated to my diet as usual, so I'm hoping for some awesome results.

Support or not, I couldn't care less. I know those of you who will support me, and I hope the rest of you can put your doubts aside to enjoy the ride (pardon the pun) :)

6 months :eek::p.

Yes, the whole course is 6 months :)
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I'm not against anyone juicing, It's there own choice at the end of the day. I can't honestly say I would never do it as it's something I'm not ethically/morally against (outside of competition) but I can say I'm a long way from doing it (or contemplating it) as I've achieved all of nothing naturally yet!

Good luck to Monkee and Steeds, make sure you log it well somewhere and let us know! The effects I've seen of even 'tame' pro-hormones and there effects (other gym-goers etc.) is absolutely staggering, so I'm interested to see how effective the 'real deal' is.
Yes, the whole course is 6 months :)
Well, you're brave taking on a 6 month cycle right off the bat. Can honestly say I've never seen that recommended as a first cycle. Aside from the obvious issues (cost, unknown sides and frankly unnecessary length given first cycle etc) how effective steroids are once you go past 14 weeks is a largely debated area.

Not that I'm saying you haven't researched this because I'm certain you have and do know what you're doing, I'd just question what benefit you expect from 6 months on (then I'm assuming the standard time off = time on) rather than doing a more standard 12 weeker and getting two cycles done in half the time?

Hope one day i can cup your peanut sized testicles.

Just one more post to clear up anyone thinking MoNkeE is doing 6 months, he's not, it's a 14 week tour, 8 weeks tour rest, so best part of 6 months
Fair play. Sounds like you are both doing it properly. The only thing stopping me doing it is the girlfriend. She's dead against it and it's not something I want to have to hide from her with all the extra stress that would cause. My bro is encouraging me to just take the breakfast of champions in secret but cba with it, rather do it properly or not at all.
Fair play. Sounds like you are both doing it properly. The only thing stopping me doing it is the girlfriend. She's dead against it and it's not something I want to have to hide from her with all the extra stress that would cause. My bro is encouraging me to just take the breakfast of champions in secret but cba with it, rather do it properly or not at all.

Yeah mean Turf & Turf?

Thoughts please.

Take lifter a who wants to focus on getting bigger, lifter b who wants to focus on getting stronger. After 6 months will there be a big difference in the size of the two?

Reason for my question is that I am currently focusing around getting bigger, putting on mass for the sake of looking better, would I be any bigger then if I was to focus on strength training instead?
Thoughts please.

Take lifter a who wants to focus on getting bigger, lifter b who wants to focus on getting stronger. After 6 months will there be a big difference in the size of the two?

Reason for my question is that I am currently focusing around getting bigger, putting on mass for the sake of looking better, would I be any bigger then if I was to focus on strength training instead?

Surely you know enough about hypertrophy and strength training to answer this yourself?
Yes, eventually.

I'd say LiE, icecold and FreeFaller all look pretty beastly, and their programmes appear to revolve around strength rather than outright mass.
Yes Syla5, im really not inclined to write a lengthy passage on type I vs type II muscle fibres and their a and b variants, but rest assured if you train for hypertrophy you will gain mass that is not explosively strong. Look at how my physique varies from others who lift heavy, sure you can bring the sauce in (please dont its getting annoying), but i have always trained for mass and as such im significantly bigger than people with better or comparable lifts.

That said in a novice lifter you will respond well to either and it will be fairly genetic in its expression. Skinny chaps wont pile on much mass when doing pure strength
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