*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Yeah I know, not sure why I asked, as the answers I am looking for cant be answered really.

Having never really focused on hypertrophy I just wanted to know if the size gains will be visually different to size gains I would see if I focuses on strength still
Yeah I know, not sure why I asked, as the answers I am looking for cant be answered really.

Having never really focused on hypertrophy I just wanted to know if the size gains will be visually different to size gains I would see if I focuses on strength still

Size is size, you can barely look like you train and be strong relative to weight. Or you can be super massive and only 'relatively' strong. Or you can be ronnie coleman.
I only raises the question as I have been training for over a year and a half now and would consider my strength as pretty reasonable, however my size hasn't increased that much. Yes I look better now but I would put most of that down to my recent cut work rather than any appreciable muscle mass difference.

Also UE I thought body reaction to training was a time thing as apposed to how much weigt you can lift? I consider myself well out of the newbie gains zone as far as time is concerned.
Forever looking like Skill :( Do I even lift? :p

But this is it, I'm going to hit the juice, but I'm going to be training like a banshee (as I always have) and being just as dedicated to my diet as usual, so I'm hoping for some awesome results.

Support or not, I couldn't care less. I know those of you who will support me, and I hope the rest of you can put your doubts aside to enjoy the ride (pardon the pun) :)

Yes, the whole course is 6 months :)
I hope you know that I was joking, and that I would gladly personally nurse your battered man grapes back to health.
I only raises the question as I have been training for over a year and a half now and would consider my strength as pretty reasonable, however my size hasn't increased that much. Yes I look better now but I would put most of that down to my recent cut work rather than any appreciable muscle mass difference.

Also UE I thought body reaction to training was a time thing as apposed to how much weigt you can lift? I consider myself well out of the newbie gains zone as far as time is concerned.
Remember, a fairly normal training progression is

increase mass ---> increase strength

If you'd been eating loads you would have put on more mass, but you goals weren't "strength at all costs" and so you weren't piling in the food.
Strap nose torque to face, run at bar screaming. What could go wrong?

Did you say that you trained at the Horncastle gym where the Classics were held this weekend? The guy who run it seemed pretty awesome, he provided some thunderous shoulder slaps!
Yeah, Marc Giles is a true legend. I need to make more excuses to be out there so I get a chance to train with those guys. Everyone I speak to that drops in for the odd session tends to walk out with a PB.
Yes Syla5, im really not inclined to write a lengthy passage on type I vs type II muscle fibres and their a and b variants, but rest assured if you train for hypertrophy you will gain mass that is not explosively strong. Look at how my physique varies from others who lift heavy, sure you can bring the sauce in (please dont its getting annoying), but i have always trained for mass and as such im significantly bigger than people with better or comparable lifts.

If you ever get a change UE, do a little write up or blurb on your blog and let me know, or post a link I can go off and read please
"Eat more" :p

I do love this morba go to answer ;)

I did bulk but I am feeling it wasn't as clean as I thought and I put on over a stone in 4 months, hence my cut. I am slowly ramping up a bulk diet now so we shall see if I can keep it clean and make good gains.
If you ever get a change UE, do a little write up or blurb on your blog and let me know, or post a link I can go off and read please

It isn't rocket science. The very basic premise is that type 1 fibres are slow twitch (i.e. Slow but efficient with an aerobic energy cycle) whereas type 2 are fast twitch and are anaerobic. The former are better for non explosive strength (marathon running) whereas the latter are better for explosive (sprinting).

A/B variation in type 2 delineates between fast and very fast... A type will use a mix of fuel, but output less power, whereas B type is power and speed all the way. B variants are also the thickest muscle fibre type.
If you want to grow more quickly and concentrate less on strength, stop doing gimmicky **** like 5/3/1 and other odd programs, Syla
Slya5, welcome to the game of gaining clean size. Give it another 3-4 years and you'll be were you want, but things will come slowly. For what it's worth, I've always trained heavy on the lifts I wanted to lift heavy, then did more volume on those which were isolation.

For example I'd pretty much always been in the gym benching over 100 even for only a few reps, and occasionally increasing the weight. I can remember doing 130 singles every time I was in the gym. I would then move onto Incline DB Press and go as heavy as possible. In contrast I would do quite a lot of reps for cable/db flyes or any other chest/tricep movements.
If only you did 8 years of hypertrophy focused training LiE :( you'd be so joocey right now

Waste if you ask me :p

5/3/1 isn't gimmicky :)

And yes, yes it is. Might not be for you, but for Syla who wants to focus on mass and not strength, I'd say it is
I don't know... there's something about being strong vs. looking strong. :D

911 Turbo vs 911 GT3...

But then, I suppose I'll never be the biggest or strongest, so I can afford to sit on the subs bench. ;)
To be fair, I'm only joking, I just like winding LiE up. I'd love to be stronger, and a part of me would love to dedicate a couple of months to a strength program, but gains are slow enough for me, so I'd not want to move away from HST
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