*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Yeah I have just started on HST, and plan to stick to it for a good few cycles. As for gimmicky routines, previously I did a 3 day split, SL 5x5, a 4 dy split, I gave wendler a crack but i didn't like it, at which point I decided enough was enough. I needed to cut the fat (with some very helpful support with my diet ;)), and just focused on retaining strength during this time, as back to the 4 day split.

Now I am focusing on gaining mass, and putting on lean size so a nice clean diet and HST.
To be fair, I'm only joking, I just like winding LiE up. I'd love to be stronger, and a part of me would love to dedicate a couple of months to a strength program, but gains are slow enough for me, so I'd not want to move away from HST

If you get stronger, you'll lift more for your hypertrophy cycles ;)
I do love this morba go to answer ;)

I did bulk but I am feeling it wasn't as clean as I thought and I put on over a stone in 4 months, hence my cut. I am slowly ramping up a bulk diet now so we shall see if I can keep it clean and make good gains.

You bulk wasn't unclean. You ate too much.
Fellow old folk,

Lately, my right knee sometimes give the most almighty crack when walking, it's not painful, but not a nice feeling when it does it, and not nice for the person I'm walking past at the time

Anything I can take supplement/herb wise that can help with this? I know Freefaller will probably have a good recommendation
**** have just had email, i need to be in photo-shoot condition for the 26th September, 2 weeks today. Talk about last minute. Not going to be ready :(

Just salted my last meal like a crazy man, tastes like the sea (salt loading, eeeeew!!!)

Please fully star out all swearing in future. Thank you.
**** have just had email, i need to be in photo-shoot condition for the 26th September, 2 weeks today. Talk about last minute. Not going to be ready :(

Just salted my last meal like a crazy man, tastes like the sea (salt loading, eeeeew!!!)

Don't worry Kai, I'm sure I saw an advert for 2 week Abs on facebook earlier, I'll find it and let you know ;).
makeup on the abs?

Managed 170kg on the trap bar deadlift this morning, but it's too much for 'training'. Went up veeeeeeeeeery slowly (form was good, however) and needed 20/30 secs between reps to get blood back into my head.

Barbell chest press: 85kgs (up 5kgs from last week).

Also had a workover of power clean form so that's also up at 85kgs, too.

And my glutes are on FIRE!!! :eek:
Just make sure there's plenty of Anabolic lighting and you've got a good pump, sorted :)

You know me, Anabolic lighting will be plentyful. The shoot this time is comming to me. They have a location which is ideal but would like some "gym shots" so i now have to go ask my local gym tonight asking can i have a corner of the gym. Like that is not going to be embarrassing.

makeup on the abs' thats going to be a new one.

Also they want to try HDR or something or other shots !!! not sure what they are yet.
A stone in 4 months is surely still pretty clean. that's 16 weeks, so less than a lb a week gain. i'm guessing you didnt track your BodyFat levels during it to be sure.

As many have said, it wasn't clean. I didn't massively gain body fat, probably 2-3%. However I have cut down since from 12st9lb to 11st 2lb and lost hardly any strength, of any (even pulled a Deadlift max halfway through the cut!)
You know me, Anabolic lighting will be plentyful. The shoot this time is comming to me. They have a location which is ideal but would like some "gym shots" so i now have to go ask my local gym tonight asking can i have a corner of the gym. Like that is not going to be embarrassing.

makeup on the abs' thats going to be a new one.

Also they want to try HDR or something or other shots !!! not sure what they are yet.

Is that normal for them to ask you to arrange that?

If you have to get topless in your gym, I'd be tempted to do it really late, just before closing.
I'm sure Kings of Leon did a song that goes something like that :p

They didn't sound like they were suffering enough during the song.

makeup on the abs' thats going to be a new one.

Don't knock it 'till you've tried it. Sort of. :D

Also they want to try HDR or something or other shots !!! not sure what they are yet.

3 exposures: one under, one neutral, one over, combined to make a single image to create an ethereal lighting effect. Google "HDR image" for examples.

Mostly used for landscape/scenic photos, but I'd be interested to see what they do with 'fitness' ones (does this statement require a 'no homo' tag?)...
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