*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I haven't done any weight training for 3-4 months due to travelling and have lost a lot of mass and strength.

On 1st September I decided I was going to hit it hard, and that is exactly what I've done. My diet has been excellent too.
I've basically gained 2kg in 2 weeks. Visibly I have lost a lot of fat around my belly too and am looking leaner.

Surely gaining 1kg a week is unsustainable. Is this a consequence of the initial few weeks adaptation of getting back into weight training or do I need to cut down on what I'm eating. My gains in the gym have been ridiculous too. When I came back from travelling I was ridiculously weak but I'm gaining my strength back very quickly. Still, I thought it was virtually impossible to lose fat and bulk up at the same time.

Very happy as I was so depressed when I came back and couldn't lift anything like what I could before!
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I haven't done any weight training for 3-4 months due to travelling and have lost a lot of mass and strength.

On 1st September I decided I was going to hit it hard, and that is exactly what I've done. My diet has been excellent too.
I've basically gained 2kg in 2 weeks. Visibly I have lost a lot of fat around my belly too and am looking leaner.

Surely gaining 1kg a week is unsustainable. Is this a consequence of the initial few weeks adaptation of getting back into weight training or do I need to cut down on what I'm eating. My gains in the gym have been ridiculous too. When I came back from travelling I was ridiculously weak but I'm gaining my strength back very quickly. Still, I thought it was virtually impossible to lose fat and bulk up at the same time.

Very happy as I was so depressed when I came back and couldn't lift anything like what I could before!

Good that your back on it

yes its unsustainable

stick to it and post back progress
Out of curiousity, is there a reason for the additional leg extensions/curls?

Apologies if this has already been explained/done and dusted/whatever...
I squat low-bar. Probably just the angle, I'll get a better vid next time to show you. It's not super-low, but what I'd consider a conservative low-bar squat. Unless I've been wrong all these years.

I see it now.

I know you're not looking for feedback but here's a little anyway. Try and control the bottom a bit more, you've got a rebound/bounce going on. Looks like you're quite quad dominant which is why I thought it was a high bar squat. Should be much more glute drive. Hopefully that makes sense.
Not a bad bench session and managed to increase my BBB weight:

C1 - W2 - Bench


BBB @ 70kg

After all that, there was no way I could get through dips; I did a few and just could push myself up anymore!

Bad news is, is that I think I went a bit too aggressive on the rollouts a few days ago as it feels like I've overstretched pulled something in my stomach :(. So, no more rollouts for core and stick to bridges, leg raises and some other Ice shown me..well until it heals :D
Out of curiousity, is there a reason for the additional leg extensions/curls?

Apologies if this has already been explained/done and dusted/whatever...

I had to cut the workout short so slapped them on just because.

I'd normally do some Goblet squats and a few other bits.
I see it now.

I know you're not looking for feedback but here's a little anyway. Try and control the bottom a bit more, you've got a rebound/bounce going on. Looks like you're quite quad dominant which is why I thought it was a high bar squat. Should be much more glute drive. Hopefully that makes sense.

Cheers, I'm always open to good critical feedback. I know I bounce, and that is deliberate. But the bounce here is a little sloppier than I like, my knees get shifted around in these bounces.
People talk to me....

When I go to the gym I use the machine but never free weight. Is there THAT much difference between the two?

Just coming back from a long term injury and want to get back to where I was when I was 18 (7 years ago!) when I was lean and strong, back then it was due to martial arts and having a god given metabolism so I know I have to work harder at it now!
If you're recovering from an injury then fair enough, but you would be better off eventually to use free weights, you use more supporting muscles that way...Along with being able to do lifts like the deadlift and squat properly. With machines you probably tend to use your mid section/core a lot less.
If you're recovering from an injury then fair enough, but you would be better off eventually to use free weights, you use more supporting muscles that way...Along with being able to do lifts like the deadlift and squat properly. With machines you probably tend to use your mid section/core a lot less.

Why if coming back from injury is it better to use machines?
Because when your back is injured you have to... with the... Sometimes..... Because of..... If you have...... With the machines. Nomsayin'?
im glad someone explained that to me i was struggling with the science. Crystal clear now :D

edit: also dont eat eggs when you have an injury, they increase you cholesterol which actually makes bones break themselves.
This is relevent to a few people in this thread. Depth is "questionable" but then it is USA.


Why if coming back from injury is it better to use machines?

Depends on the injury I would have thought. Like I said, it would be better to use free weights, or did you miss that part in your roid rage? <3

Because when your back is injured you have to... with the... Sometimes..... Because of..... If you have...... With the machines. Nomsayin'?

Bite me. Nomsayin'?

edit: also dont eat eggs when you have an injury, they increase you cholesterol which actually makes bones break themselves.

Sweet. Good thing the eggs got removed from my diet.
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