*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I think I done something really bad to my right pec. Was doing light shoulder presses (20kg dumbells so nothing crazy) and I felt something 'go' in my upper chest area. It wasn't painful but I stopped immediately regardless. This was Friday afternoon. I went out that night and got back in at 8am Saturday morning. No pain apart from an irritation. I woke up around 5pm yesterday and wanted to scream before even opening my eyes. Pain was incredible. I straightaway thougth 'great, tore the ******* thing'. I applied ice and got my new lady friend to lightly massage it but the pain didn't go away. Went to be early last night and woke up this morning and still the same :( or actually, I think it subdued slightly but I still can't move my shoulder much.

I'll give it a few days before going to doc. And everything was going SO well :(.:(
Dips have pushed the pin in my arm out further :( swollen up and sore as hell, think its time I go and see if I can get it removed....

Still contemplating going to the gym tonight for some Squats :p
Had another great workout this morning, made some excellent progress over the past few months. Old strength has returned and I'm managing some great volume with respectable weights.

Thoguh I feel I need to comment on the foolery going on in the gym today. Some personal trainer was in with 2 new lads and had them doing a full body workout but I was biting my lip at things being done and said. Worst were the ridiculous squats he had them doing including pussy pad on the bar :rolleyes:

All I can say is not even quarter squats, more like knee flexes.... he's actually training them to do this FFS! To make it worse once they done theirs he proceeds to get out his top quality Inzer lifting belt and Inzer knee wraps. Then loads the bar up with 180kg so this caught my attention and I was interested to see him in action.

Yup you guessed it... more knee flexes, I felt embarrassed as he stood their boasting how he was capable of lifting 250kg "when he's pushing himself" It was all I could do not to say "as impressive as holding 250kg on your shoulders is.... how much can you actually squat?" Such a waste of quality Inzer lifting gear :(
Range of motion seems to be a problem for PT's. I'm beginning to wonder if they're 'courses' teach them that range of motion isn't a good thing.

I saw a PT with his client on Wednesday, he had him benching but he was going from locked out straight arms :rolleyes: , to bringing the bar down till it was still about a foot away from his chest, then back up again!

The only thing i can assume is that the PT doesnt want to demoralise his client by getting him to do it properly and therefore dropping the weight substantially. So he just thinks "sod it, he'll be happy cuase he'll do more, so he'll keep coming back, and i'll make more money"
I'm liking the PTs in virgin tbh, they either recognise they can't help with strength or appreciate I'm ok, or ask about how else they could help as in cardio or anything else.
Friendly bunch who are not the normal muppets.
Not seen them advise anything too silly either, which is rare!!
I'm liking the PTs in virgin tbh, they either recognise they can't help with strength or appreciate I'm ok, or ask about how else they could help as in cardio or anything else.
Friendly bunch who are not the normal muppets.
Not seen them advise anything too silly either, which is rare!!

I popped in a gym other day and they made me do an induction, ive never had an incredulous look on my face for so long, i thought id had a stroke.
Haha, I remember when virgin (then esporta) said I needed to do one, I just said thanks but there really isn't any point and didn't let them try to change my mind :D
Spoke to the doctor earlier this week and he said my x-ray results are fine and there is nothing wrong with my knee and certainly no sign of arthritis like the physio suggested :)

Back to rowing and probably stronglifts to get myself back on track - done some rowing already, nothing amazing but gotta start somewhere right? :)

Only thing is though having previously done stronglifts to about week 7 is it really worth starting completely at the beginning? As long as I warmup properly there shouldn't be any problems right?
Long as you don't over estimate the start weight, I don't see why not, especially on things like OHP (if it's in there)

Although depending on how much you want to ease yourself back in to it, might be worth starting from scratch but just go up in 5kg's for longer
Every PT in my gym is brilliant, but then two of them compete so are pretty serious about it. I always find the PTs in the chain gyms are utter ****s, and will always use the same old tat, like DB flies on a ball.

But the smaller run gyms have PTs that are usually pretty clued up
PTs are my Bannatynes' never give beginners basic routines. Never tell them just to hammer the big compounds one a 3 day split and eat lots of good food. No no no, you always seem them couching people doing resistant band pull ups supersetted with this that and that other.
in their defence monkee, right or wrong, joe public wants complicated fancy advanced techniques so they can feel like they are getting value from a gym. I fix computers and ive opened them up before and moved ram about and gone "hmmmm very interesting this" when in reality i noticed 15mins earlier that they had a loose power lead.

People need to feel like they are getting something special for their extortionate fees. You cant say give me 50 quid a month (and then some) just to tell em to pick up a heavy thing over and over.
Im reading Arnolds book and he says he used to train for 5 hours a day, whats this rule that people mention aboutt you dont want to train for over an hour because its counter productive?
On a side note, im a 100 odd pages through his new book, Total Recall, its a really good read, him talking about his training and going to America is interesting
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