*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Yeah, an artificially induced over abundance of a certain hormone plays quite a large role there.

I do love my long powerlifting sessions though; 10 reps per hour ftw!
Anyone ever go to the gym more than once in a day?

I went in the afternoon and now have an urge to go again. I feel lethargic, want to snap out of it! Going nuts on the rowing machine may do the trick :p
I had about 3 hours sleep last night, just had an extremely busy and stressful day at work, my usual Monday lunch of Moroccan rice, chicken and lamb was rank. My train was late so I've only been home half an hour..... but it's Legs Day, bring it on!! :)
Hey guys, just thought I'd drop some knowledge here that I learnt today.

The number of muscle fibres in a muscle stops increasing after approximately 24 weeks in utero. Therefore, after this point, the way that muscle size is increased is by the addition of sarcomeres to the existing fibres.

This may not be useful info in any way, but hey it's interesting :p

Whenever I learn anything on my course that's slightly related to bodybuilding, I'll post it up here.
Yes, I remember that from my Physiology and Anatomy classes... There was also talk of there actually being a mechanism for adding muscle fibres, but it was poorly understood 10 years ago when I finished that work...

Technically, this has implications for the theoretical maximum growth that can be achieved during resistance training, but practically humans aren't efficient enough to take full advantage without supplementation, anyway. So not really. :(
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