*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I just buy them on the way home mate, then throw them in when I make my breakfast in the morning...

Only reason im having to freeze them is due to them going out of season so the packs are tiny
If you want to save some cash buy them pre frozen, I get mine from asda and they're a lot cheaper than the fresh ones.
I have one, but don't really have any decent door ways to do wide...The only door way I have has a cupboard 2mm next to it so it doesn't hang properly :p

This is why I want to join a gym, but I can't bloody afford to :(

I mentioned this before, do you have a loft? Do you have a hatch? Do you have a broom handle?

Do them there, as long as your going wide enough it won't snap. Never any excuse not to do pull ups.
Week 1 of squats tonight. New lever belt came in yesterday, first session with it and its solid! Feels really tight and supportive but digs in when squatting. Should loosen up in a few weeks



1x130(PB) Depth was confirmed and there was no bounce, Took it really slow.


Then did a few sets of leg curls and 2x5 dragon flags 3x5 negatives. Weight was at
66.4kg this morning :D Going to try and get one more kg of to make sure I'll safely get in the under 66 on the day.

Edit: On tuesday I didn't get 200kg :( Got 195 but it took all I got :( Maybe in a few weeks I'll be able to get it if I push myself!
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Found a gym that people don't look at you funny when squatting, sweating or making an odd noise when lifting. So I'm currently working on a 2 day split upper and lower body routine. I have to be realistic as with on call and odd shifts, twice a week is far easier to stick to. DOMS are much better after the second week than the first! Being careful with legs/ back as my back needs nursing back to life after a bad spasm 6 weeks ago (running related, not lifting).


Lower Body

10 minute treadmill to warm up
Squats - 3 x 10
Barbell lunges - 3 x 10
Deadlift - 3 x 10
Calf raises - 3 x 10
20 minute interval training on the treadmill (will mix this up)

Upper Body

10 mins treadmill warm up
Dumbbell bench 3 x 10
One arm bent over row 3 x 10 (L&R)
Dumbbell shoulder press 3 x 10
Chest fly (dumbbell) 3 x 10
Lat pull down 3 x 10
Shoulder fly 3 x 10
20 mins interval training

I'm going for fitness, weight loss and strength rather then getting massive. If I go more than 3 times it'll probably be extra cardio. Going to try the gym's personal trainer to keep up my interest.

Any tips? Thanks!
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Good session this evening, even with the dodgey back muscles today.

Deadlifts @ 3x4x120kg
Bors @ 3x10x60kg
Rows @ 3x12x25kg
Ohp @ 3x12x25kg
Arnold press @ 3x10x10kg(each hand)-supsetted with ohp
Lateral raises

Back held out reasonably well, dont know what i did to it. Must have been due to doing 3 days on the trot or something, core day this week made me tweak a muscle somewhere
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