*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Sorry for the recent video whoring, but I'm surprised and pleased with this:
bar x lots
200x3 flew up! I was doubting this would go up at all, so much so that I was moaning about the fear and requested side spots.
205x3 comfy
210x3 wat
Well ok then. I thought 210kg was being a little optimistic for comp in just over a month, apparently I misjudged! Speed is a little inconsistent (205 was faster than the first 200) so I have some neural adaptation to deal with. I'm experiencing a little tightness (no pain) from my injury so I'm being a little hesitant with depth, but I plan to find a few inches in my next training block. The second 200kg set was apparently under comp depth, and the video makes it look a little worse than it is, but still...

No more vids for a while I promise. Apart from maybe next week.
Give or take, that is specific for him.

Go maybe 6 inches narrower and see how that feels, but you want to be tending towards "shoulder width" or there abouts.
God I hate going to the gym at weekends / peak times. Saw some bois doing some of the best quarter squats I've ever seen. Did a quick warm up with the bar (still to about 8-10 inches away from parallel, more of knee flex), then proceeded to load straight to 150kg! High bar knee flexes with 150kg from the off, oh lawd.
Same thing happened with bench 10 minutes later.
There is an "extended" version of my squat video showing someone do knee breaks with a manta ray in the rack next to me...

There was a guy doing ez bar curls in the rack I was using when we got there, accompanied by the standard "TSSSSSSSSSS" at the top of each rep.
Lifting straps a better option then?

I don't know if you do any specific work in this area but taking steps to work on your grip might be another option. Some options on Bodybuilding.com, straps do a job but unless you've got a particular reason why you can't improve your grip strength properly the straps might be better viewed as a short term solution - or as something for a defined purpose e.g. last few reps or to mean that you can focus more on form but it's probably not a good plan to have them as a first point of call.
try chalk or liquid chalk.

saying that though, I'm using straps currently for my heavy sets. I'm starting some grip work though to try to make it a short term thing.

Don't let your grip hold you back so use a short term fix, but if it is failing seek to remedy it.
Yes, but bear in mind that - unless you're lifting big numbers - you're better off improving your grip than strapping up.

What weights are you shifting?

Nothing major, 110kg for my deadlift (which is where the problem is) I get about 6 reps in and i'm pratically holding the bar on my finger tips! It's annoying because my legs and back are still happy to continue.
Truffle as has been said. Grab some liquid chalk from myprotein or some climbing chalk and you will be well away. I would be suprised if you need straps At all. Many of the big lifters here don't straps up
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