*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Your just not cut out for it ;)

tbh i'm more cut out for PL than I am strongman lol. Standing around is what I do best.
It has been commented that at my last comp, when doing the overhead medley and the loading medley that it was like time had slowed down. Everyone else running between items yet I just casually wandered between them all lol
1) I'm not gay
2) I'm not shaving my body hair
3) I'm not interested in posing in a pair of speedos in front of a lot of people
4) I'm not narcissistic enough to want to do it
5) I do not have the discipline, or ability to eat a **** diet and go through all that crap
6) I do not want to do "size" training
7) I do not want to be a bodybuilder
8) I have no interest in that discipline and do not understand it
9) I do not have the commitment to it, and I will achieve nothing
10) I'm too old now to even think about competing
11) I have far too much on in my life to have to worry about doing something like that
12) It doesn't excite me at all.
1) I'm not gay - Good one
2) I'm not shaving my body hair - It's temporary, it grows back
3) I'm not interested in posing in a pair of speedos in front of a lot of people - Original
4) I'm not narcissistic enough to want to do it - Wow strong lack of understanding why people do it :p
5) I do not have the discipline, or ability to eat a **** diet and go through all that crap - Yes you do, and you know this
6) I do not want to do "size" training - You have the size already
7) I do not want to be a bodybuilder
8) I have no interest in that discipline and do not understand it
9) I do not have the commitment to it, and I will achieve nothing
10) I'm too old now to even think about competing - Damn straight you are
11) I have far too much on in my life to have to worry about doing something like that
12) It doesn't excite me at all.
I haven't trained for a couple of weeks. Feel generally exhausted and unmotivated at the moment. :(

I will get back into it - but under a lot of pressure at work, and I also hate my gym which isn't conducive to me training there. It's a **** commercial gym and just not enough space, too busy, and no ability for any good strongman-type of work out which sucks.

I'll get back into it - I always go through these phases, but it's just a PITA at the moment. Feel like crap as a result. Vicious circle!

Im feeling the same at the minute too. Last week I was off work and managed one Chest session.

This week Ive managed my Chest again and I have back and shoulders left to do this week, however Im really struggling to take myself to the gym for back tonight.
I work over 10+hrs a day, and often spend 3hrs commuting so if I'm honest the minimum amount of travel the better.

Hardly surprising you can't be ****ed with the gym. Not hard to tell from your facebook posts work is grinding you down. It's amazing just how much the two go hand in hand, when i wasn't in the gym my uni work suffered big time, and if i was spending 16 hours in uni working on my dissertation there's no way i could fit in (or want to do) anything more than a half assed gym session.
Your goals and desire to reach those goals is what keep you motivated. If you're just getting into a grind of going to the gym for the sake of it, then your passion will wane.
So you've picked up on some minor points and missed the others :rolleyes:

To me it's all about narcissism - I see no competition. Looking good is too subjective - lifting a weight, and being stronger isn't. Ergo, I'm out.

And I don't have the discipline - not to prep my food, get up at 5am to eat, I just do not care enough about it. I like my food, and eat lots of different foods, and do not watch what I eat.

You've changed your tune "I have the size already" :/

I'm flattered. I really am, and you know I've always been humbled by your kind words and the admiration you have showed me in the past. And I will support you and everyone on this forum that want to better themselves, do comps, and so on. I will always support everyone here. Even Delvis! :p

However, you *have* to realise that bodybuilding really does not interest me at all. :)
Hardly surprising you can't be ****ed with the gym. Not hard to tell from your facebook posts work is grinding you down. It's amazing just how much the two go hand in hand, when i wasn't in the gym my uni work suffered big time, and if i was spending 16 hours in uni working on my dissertation there's no way i could fit in (or want to do) anything more than a half assed gym session.

It's the desire to go that it's needed. I very much doubt that your brain can work productively for 16 straight hours on that dissertation, an hour break at the gym is exactly what you need. ;)
Around exam times at uni for a couple of weeks the gym was pretty much the highlight of the day as it was the only thing I would get out of the house for. (used to go to tesco straight after that for the food shopping)

3 hours commute is an absolute bitch though, but n my opinion it's still not hard to fit in 3x45 minutes sessions in a week - the biggest problem is the whole "I can't be bothered" thing.
It's the desire to go that it's needed. I very much doubt that your brain can work productively for 16 straight hours on that dissertation, an hour break at the gym is exactly what you need. ;)

No where did i say otherwise. It's all well and good saying it's what you need but in my experience putting in the necessary effort and getting into the right zone after spending so much on the draining grind doesn't happen. You may be different, in which case congrats, but i tried it and it didn't work out.
It's the desire to go that it's needed. I very much doubt that your brain can work productively for 16 straight hours on that dissertation, an hour break at the gym is exactly what you need. ;)
Around exam times at uni for a couple of weeks the gym was pretty much the highlight of the day as it was the only thing I would get out of the house for. (used to go to tesco straight after that for the food shopping)

3 hours commute is an absolute bitch though, but n my opinion it's still not hard to fit in 3x45 minutes sessions in a week - the biggest problem is the whole "I can't be bothered" thing.

I have the desire at the time but I'm also very lazy by nature - I really am. And it's hard to get the motivation when i'm leaving work at 530-6pm and don't get home till at least 730 - then having to get myself into the frame of mind to hit the gym - it's not going to happen. By the time I'd come home it'd be 9pm or later. I'll need food, and do the house chores, yes I have an another half, but want to spend some time with her too. I get up at 6-630 at the moment, and even if I were to go to the gym then, I'd be at work far too late.

I know I know. I'm making excuses - I am. And I just have to get my arse into gear as it's not every night - but most weekends I'm away from home so it has to be during the week.

I just haven't got the motivation at the moment - but I need a goal, and I understand that and just have to realise that some nights it will be a late one. I just hate bitty training... I think it's just a phase I'm going through.

I've never said you don't have the size, my argument has always been that I'm sad that you don't have the size you used too and don't want to get back to that shape

I know - but it wasn't sustainable, and I did it to see if I could do it, and I managed it. I wasn't fit or healthy really then - it cost a lot of money, and I was able to spend a LOT of time in the gym which I cannot do now.

Luckily I have the genetics of not being skinny, but I'll never be massive again - unless I win the lottery and don't have to go to work and can afford lots of clothes, food and time. :p
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