*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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To be honest, doing squats 3 times a week is getting a little draining :p

I just fancy a change for a bit.

By the way I can't even pull up my full body weight yet so is that maybe a hint to stick with SLs :D

I'd stick with SL at the moment.

I am just stopping it and testing my 1rm to move onto 5/3/1. Over bodyweight on all lifts bar shoulder press.

Plus squats are awesome. You could always change it so your squatting on A as your main movement and deadlifting on B as your man movement for a few weeks if your getting bored.

But I'd stick with it untill your at least lifting over your bodyweight.
I'd definitely stick to it until you get your bench up to around BW at least. From there you've got a good base to build on.
SL is a good routine and one I'm considering to get myself back in the gym even though I've been lifting for a few years now.
With Starting Strength when squatting 3x a week gets too much you turn Wednesday into a recovery day and do lighter squats 2x5 80% 5RM or front squats 3x5.
How long have you been doing SL its best to change program when you feel you need to. Not everyone responds the same to certain programs, especially at your relatively novice level. Try out something different for a bit, higher reps can build a nice foundation for strength, im a great believer in 10/10/8/8 and 8/8/6/6 routines for newer trainee's as it helps develop the neuro-muscular patterns and condition the joints and support structures to load. purely imo and ime of course

Power cleans are my second favourite exercise. Just behind power snatches. Nothing makes you feel like a legend more than a good power snatch.

Doing a few fast deads with a light weight makes people look at you like you are odd. Then the next time they look you are power snatching the same weight above your head and then the jaw drops lol :D
Gotta love power snatches!
i really worry about the crazy abuse of synthol, i mean its really weird, much stranger than the use of roids

Agreed. I'm not a "rage" sort of person, and in fact generally don't give a **** as to what people want to do in their lives - but people who use synthol, I have an uncontrollable urge to try and squeeze them dry like a big zit. Punch of pathetic, "can't be arsed to train - wanna look big", vain, egotistical, tiny dicked mother****ers.
Trust me its in your head and if you aren't working out for more than 1 hour i would leave the bannana too, simple sugars like that work against weight loss, you want to minimize all insulin spikes, at most id have fruit early morn after that you really dont want to be having sugars.

Think about it like this, your body is a layered fuel tank, the top layer is sugars, these burn quickly and are mostly used up within an hour of any exercise (assuming broken non consecutive training like weights). The second layer is glycogen reserves, these start to burn during prolonged activity, you will certainly be using these during a 1hr workout however depending on your diet you may well not deplete these reserves in a typical weights session of around 1hr.

The third and most stubborn layer is fat, this is what you need to burn, and im sorry to say your body doesnt want to. Until you have completely depleted blood sugar and muscle/liver glycogen stores, the body will not start true lipolysis (fat digestion). Thus if you ate a snickers bar before every training session, even with a great, but calorie neutral, diet, you wont lose weight, at least not directly from the exercise in the gym.

The systems involved are more complex than i have described here, much much more is going on, but as a rule of thumb, to lose weight you should deplete your carbs, once depleted you are burning fat, fat, fat. Its efficient and it works like science should. But in reality fatties love their food and thats all there is to it. Its all on you.

Spot on - though remember the effect of high intensity training lasts for 24hrs after a session - certainly if you do HIIT. So the metabolic effect of exercise does change the way your body behaves.
Still havent cracked what I can eat pre weights, to give me energy, but not add to much to my calorie intake, so I can *try* and lose some weight.

If you've eaten well throughout the day a cup of coffee should be all you need.

If you're training fasted (i.e. a good 12hrs or so since you last ate) a banana and a strong coffee works well. Keep away from refined/processed sugars. :)
Spot on - though remember the effect of high intensity training lasts for 24hrs after a session - certainly if you do HIIT. So the metabolic effect of exercise does change the way your body behaves.

oh of course, as i said the systems are much more complex and i have no desire to write a dissertation on the subject here. Factors like muscle mass, insulin sensitivity and the various metabolic and hormonal post training effects of HIIT systems and the like are all equally valid. But when we are talking about a person who fears he might fall over if he doesn't eat, despite his, presumably, ample fat stores, i think we can forgo the hard technical science that will do nothing other than give the chap an excuse to eat no doubt.

Just me making runaway assumptions about people again, i mean they all go on to prove me wrong eventually dont they :rolleyes: :D
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