*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Just to add some more fuel to the you wont die if you don't eat discussion I've fasted for 48 hours in the past before just to see if I could.
I had a gym session towards the end and was absolutely fine, if anything energy was up on normal once I got going.
If I don't have breakfast I can happily go a full day without eating and not feel hungry, I don't do it often but sometimes I don't have a choice and that's not a day sat around it's a day on my feet running around at events.
Just to add some more fuel to the you wont die if you don't eat discussion I've fasted for 48 hours in the past before just to see if I could.
I had a gym session towards the end and was absolutely fine, if anything energy was up on normal once I got going.
If I don't have breakfast I can happily go a full day without eating and not feel hungry, I don't do it often but sometimes I don't have a choice and that's not a day sat around it's a day on my feet running around at events.

yeah but you actually lost weight :) mind of a winner you see. Most people are hopelessly incapable of controlling what goes in their mouth and when.
yeah but you actually lost weight :) mind of a winner you see. Most people are hopelessly incapable of controlling what goes in their mouth and when.

Indeed. :)

oh of course, as i said the systems are much more complex and i have no desire to write a dissertation on the subject here. Factors like muscle mass, insulin sensitivity and the various metabolic and hormonal post training effects of HIIT systems and the like are all equally valid. But when we are talking about a person who fears he might fall over if he doesn't eat, despite his, presumably, ample fat stores, i think we can forgo the hard technical science that will do nothing other than give the chap an excuse to eat no doubt.

Just me making runaway assumptions about people again, i mean they all go on to prove me wrong eventually dont they :rolleyes: :D

Agreed entirely - but I felt it was useful to add my piece ;)
Had two weeks off the gym with man flu, went to the gym last night feeling 100%, did my warm up sets and was out of breath and fatigued within 10 minutes. Struggled through my session and today I've felt completely exhausted again :(
Finally succeeded at 210kg DL last week :D. It was a bit wobbly about half way up, also I farted at the top :o. My legs look tiny, I've tried almost everything, I'm going to try 2 leg workouts per week to see if that helps, breaking out the shorts come summer

Yup 3xBW is bloody good, you should be super happy with that. Not sure when I'm gonna do my 3xBW deadlift, should be in the bag though just don't have the desire right now to do it.
Black genetics doing you proud m8! I find it interesting there arent more black strength athletes, i mean clearly the genetics predispose those of African and Caribbean descendency to be fantastic at sports (youve only gotta watch the olympics for that!) But in strength who is there? I saw one ripped black guy in the olympic weightlifting but he was easily outclassed by fat russians. In strongman mark felix is one of the best deadlifters ever but he is mid forties now and waning with no one coming through. They dominate in bodybuilding these days with superior symmetry and aesthetics. Its surprising there isnt more racial diversity in strength competition.

Is Temi the next Mark Felix?
I remember when I went to see Steedie compete at the BNBF, there was a black guy in the heavy weights or sommat, but he was a good couple of inches taller than the nearest and still massively thicker!
Black genetics doing you proud m8! I find it interesting there arent more black strength athletes, i mean clearly the genetics predispose those of African and Caribbean descendency to be fantastic at sports (youve only gotta watch the olympics for that!) But in strength who is there? I saw one ripped black guy in the olympic weightlifting but he was easily outclassed by fat russians. In strongman mark felix is one of the best deadlifters ever but he is mid forties now and waning with no one coming through. They dominate in bodybuilding these days with superior symmetry and aesthetics. Its surprising there isnt more racial diversity in strength competition.

Is Temi the next Mark Felix?

Holy ****.
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